An ethnic model recently asked me: As a resident on the west coast, do you advise me to seek representation in NY? Do you know any modeling agencies in LA for print modeling?
I suggest contacting some commercial print agencies with your compcard, such as: click LA. mail LA
How do I know of these and others? I picked up a Ross Reports at Barnes and Noble, it has a list of casting directors in NYC, LA and San Francisco. Pick it up! The biggest thing in finding an agency is your submissions, and persistance, working on your photos to caiter to the agency needs and focus. It takes your own work, and research, and you own will.
Should you submit to agencies in other cities?
I think it is best to stick to your local agencies, or try to build a portfolio before hiking to NYC or another city. Of course, to test out the idea you could mail agencies in the NYC market. But the thing is...honestly, Modeling is a very competitive business, even more so in bigger cities, and even if you move to NYC you might not find success right away, even if you have a few agencies here with your cards and working with you, it could take time to start booking commercial print work. I am a risk taker, but I do not suggest leaving one life unless you have done the research and prepared enough for the ups and downs of the next chapter. I would start where you are, and build your portfolio first. Get some tearsheets and experience to bring to NYC or the next city you go to. That way you have something to showcase, compared to just coming and being new with no experience at all.
Petite modeling source for advice and tips on modeling and modeling photos and inspiration for the petite models.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Wednesday, October 29, 2008
Older Models Can Fine Great Modeling Work
Older Models are in demand. Recently a 28 year old model contacted me about modeling and her pursuits. This was my answer to her email back to her:
Awww..Thanks for writing, I know you might feel 28 is old but it isn't for modeling. Actually if you look at any haircolor boxes at the drug store, you can see most of them look about 28-30. There is such a market for women models who are 28-40. Also think of not just fashion, music videos, ect, think of also that the older women is the one spending money and shopping. For everthing! Panty hose to diapers,even advil commercials. Commercial print modeling is your market, using your smile, energy and personality, and I am glad I inspired you.
So focus on using your personality and what you do have...there is work out there and I am glad you are trying! Agencies in NYC such as FFT Models, Gilla Roos, R&L Models, CESD, they are really good. I work with most of them and you will see the smile, energy shots...are what they want to see and what is selling! Fashion and Playboy are very small worlds. There is more for girls who use their spunk, smile, and energy in the modeling business. Try Submitting yourself to some magazines.
For more advice on getting your own magazine tear sheets, this is a video on Youtube on how to get your own modeling tear sheets,Click here.
I recently spoke to the founder of Expecting Models inc on Model Talk Radio as well, for that interview click here.
Awww..Thanks for writing, I know you might feel 28 is old but it isn't for modeling. Actually if you look at any haircolor boxes at the drug store, you can see most of them look about 28-30. There is such a market for women models who are 28-40. Also think of not just fashion, music videos, ect, think of also that the older women is the one spending money and shopping. For everthing! Panty hose to diapers,even advil commercials. Commercial print modeling is your market, using your smile, energy and personality, and I am glad I inspired you.
So focus on using your personality and what you do have...there is work out there and I am glad you are trying! Agencies in NYC such as FFT Models, Gilla Roos, R&L Models, CESD, they are really good. I work with most of them and you will see the smile, energy shots...are what they want to see and what is selling! Fashion and Playboy are very small worlds. There is more for girls who use their spunk, smile, and energy in the modeling business. Try Submitting yourself to some magazines.
For more advice on getting your own magazine tear sheets, this is a video on Youtube on how to get your own modeling tear sheets,Click here.
I recently spoke to the founder of Expecting Models inc on Model Talk Radio as well, for that interview click here.
Nude Modeling Fine Art Nudes- how a girl next door doesn't have to lose her dignity posing nude
Enjoy this segment on Model Talk Radio, I interviewed Carrie Leigh the founder of Nude Magazine, her perspective on nudity, her own photography and passion for fine arts is something aspiring models should here.
To Listen:
About the segment:
Isobella Jade speaks to Carrie Leigh about her art magazine called Nude, the magazine showcases the art of women in black and white photography and Carrie will share her love of fine art, her own photography passion, and her stand on empowering women through Nude magazine. Carrie Leigh's Nude Magazine publishes high end Black and White Fine Art Nudes and Carrie says "I don't look at the women as models. I look at them as human beings." You can find the magazine at Barnes and Noble or newsstands.
To Listen:
About the segment:
Isobella Jade speaks to Carrie Leigh about her art magazine called Nude, the magazine showcases the art of women in black and white photography and Carrie will share her love of fine art, her own photography passion, and her stand on empowering women through Nude magazine. Carrie Leigh's Nude Magazine publishes high end Black and White Fine Art Nudes and Carrie says "I don't look at the women as models. I look at them as human beings." You can find the magazine at Barnes and Noble or newsstands.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
Staying Motivated as a Model and Marketing Yourself
Modeling is a competitive pursuit. I purposely do not say profession, because I think many girls have this mindset that they will be a supermodel and jet set quickly and that modeling is easy or takes just being discovered. I say modeling pursuit because modeling for the short girl is a pursuit. I am not measured as a model by just my height and weight, it takes a lot of work to get modeling work with great magazines, and brands and work with good agents. It really involves being smart about how you market yourself, and being professional about it. Respecting yourself, and being selective about the photos you use to show case yourself to agents.
It might take many, many submissions to get modeling model work, but if you want to get legit modeling work, then you have to understand that modeling is not just about being hot, or shooting just to shoot. Creating the photos you need to best represent you as a model is the factor many girls miss.
It might take many, many submissions to get modeling model work, but if you want to get legit modeling work, then you have to understand that modeling is not just about being hot, or shooting just to shoot. Creating the photos you need to best represent you as a model is the factor many girls miss.
Monday, October 27, 2008
Petite Models Can Model Accessories- modeling accessories

There is so much...handbags, shoes, jewelry, eyeglasses, sun glasses, show what you want to model in the photos you send an agent, and you might. If you do not have photos of yourself modeling a product include some in your next shoot. Here are some image ideas for you above. These images are of me during the past couple years of up dating my portfolio and making my compcard have accessories involved.
A petite model is a great print model and should show her personality in her photos with products.
If you are wondering why you don't have an agent it might be because you are not showing the agent you can model a product, commercial print modeling involves interacting with products and showing you can model them, so I would focus on getting some catalog like shots and include some products into your shoots. I bet the agents will be more impressed.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Teen Modeling Tips

If you are 15- 16- 17 years old and want to be a model, then remember: It is ok to have photos that make you look the age you are. So many girls who want to be models think they have to show their shoulders, pout their lips, and put more weight on one hip and stick out their butt! I even see it all over Myspace. I recently told a girl to TAKE OFF the photos of her posing with another female in a sexual way off her Myspace photo page! It looks really bad, slutty, and professional modeling is not about teasing the camera or a silly "haha" moment. If you have photos like this out there of you on the web, take them off your profile. The internet is not a joke and either should your modeling pursuits. If you are serious about it, act like it.
If you want to get legit modeling work and be in magazines, and work with brands you have to take YOURSELF seriously. Of course that doesn't making a plain face and not showing your personality. Taking yourself seriously does involve personality and smiles and energy and to get inspired for ideas for the photos you should have here are some tips:
Look in magazines like Seventeen, TeenVogue,, and notice the photos they use and the girls/models expression.
Also look at ads for brands like MUDD,L.E.I and Alloy, and get inspired by the energy the photos on their website and ads show.
Your mother could take the photos of you even, the main thing is: look like yourself, and show your personality.
When it comes to finding photographers, if you a teen model you SHOULD NOT use social sites, and you should speak to a parent about modeling. You should not keep it a secret. If you want to model professionally and with legit agencies, and brands, speak to your parent about it. Modeling should not be something you keep secret, and you want to go about it in the right ways, and not get scammed or make mistakes.
To get modeling photos you can have your mother even take the photos. They should be simple and imply your energy and personality. It helps to look at ads and magazine editorials to get inspired first. It could be as simple as a headshot or senior portrait but with more personality and more of an ad feel.
Sexuality shouldn't be something you are pursuing at a teenage age.
You do not have to be sexy to be a model. You can just be you. Think of ads for everything from hair products (even curling iron's and Conair need models), think jeans, shoes, sneakers, athletic wear, think school supplies, and casual clothing, even stores like Walmart and Target and Sears, Claire store, and Macy's hire models for their ad campaigns. Think Prom, there are prom magazines advertising dresses and they need models, think about get some shots of yourself in dresses, and gowns,-your mom could take the photo, just make sure your shots are clear and there is not a busy background. Simple shots and be energetic, and smile and be natural, laugh and act asif you are off to the dance. These are good shoes to send to some brands that create prom dresses, or magazines that advertise them, like or contact some agencies that work with models of all ages and heights. Don't think modeling is ONLY fashion, but it is nice to show shots of yourself modeling a product, using a product, or even just walking your dog, showing you in action doing something.
If you want something you don't give up. If you really want it, you find a way. And Moedling is not just Fashion and Not just Sexy Magazines, so if you are a teenager, use what you have...focus on your strengths, and remember modeling is not just about showing off and teasing the camera, it is about products, and working with them. And their are many products that are meant for teens. So think about the products you use, and ask yourself,"what kind of ways are they marketing their product," usually it is with a girl that has energy, a friendly smile, and probably looks like you. So focus on getting these photos and don't think modeling is about teasing, and Myspace, and social site comments. Modeling is about really just being yourself.
There are models who are teenagers, but you do need an agency and you do need to act professional to get professional work.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Professional Modeling Photos- do you have some?

If you are wondering why you don't have an agent, how to get one, or what you can do to become a model, and start to get legit modeling work, then you need professional photos as a start.
You photos don't have to be super styled, and the makeup does not need to be heavy and a colorful rainbow on your face, your hair can be simple, down, not much done it to, but you DO need Good Lighting and a person who knows how to work a camera.
A professional photographer will know how to use a camera and also lighting. Here are some ideas for some shots and some photos above for ideas of how to move and pose, or not pose.
Don't pose too much, I think being natural is best. For commercial print modeling you want to be you. So notice the shot of myself smiling in a dress, that shot was in a hotel lobby, leaving the hotel. A photograph that shows you in the moment is good too, like walking down the street, (notice the shot of me in a dress walking with a handbag). Also see the shot of me sitting with a handbag. These are all lifestyle shots you should have in your portfolio and examples of what you can put on your compcard.
It is worth it to pay for quality photos, but it is VERY important to talk before hand about the shoot. Feel comfortable. And to know what to expect. Don't expect the photographer to handle everything. You should look in magazines ahead of time, get ideas, get inspired, have ideas. Talk about makeup, styling, which should be minimal or barely any. Just cover blemishes with power, some mascara, and gloss, but be fresh! A petite girl can find success as a print model and commercial print model, but that means taming down hair and make up in your photos is important. No crazy colors of clothing either! Just simple! See the images above as example.
When you present yourself you want to present the best of you. You don't just want an OK photo. You want a good one, one that will make an agency say," This girl can model."
Are you a Professional Model?
Are you really a professional model? Or just a wanna be? I get alot of girls contacting me about modeling and recently a girl contacted me about parts modeling and I gave her some tips, but the one thing many girls lack is the perspection of what modeling really is. Modeling is not just because you are infront of a camera. Modeling is not just because you have a website and get hits and clicks. Modeling is not just because you have a compcard. It is about what you do within your marketing efforts.
Modeling is working with legit agencies, photographers, and presenting yourself in a manner that can lead to work with brands, magazines, and products.
You really are not a professional model until you are working with top brands and magazines, and you are modeling for a purpose. I am so sick of girls just making silly faces and sticking their asses out infront of the camera for no reason. Then they claim they are models? It is really weird. Think about the 1950's? If a girl did that she would not be a pin up! She would be some slut.
I think the internet has really ruined the perspective and perception of what a model is. If you have a Myspace account, a website, a social page on Model Mayhem or something, that doesn't make you a model. Being a professional model takes more than just sticking your bootie out.
Modeling is working with legit agencies, photographers, and presenting yourself in a manner that can lead to work with brands, magazines, and products.
You really are not a professional model until you are working with top brands and magazines, and you are modeling for a purpose. I am so sick of girls just making silly faces and sticking their asses out infront of the camera for no reason. Then they claim they are models? It is really weird. Think about the 1950's? If a girl did that she would not be a pin up! She would be some slut.
I think the internet has really ruined the perspective and perception of what a model is. If you have a Myspace account, a website, a social page on Model Mayhem or something, that doesn't make you a model. Being a professional model takes more than just sticking your bootie out.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Emme Aronson From Supermodel to Cancer Survivor and Advocate- on iVillage

This article by Heather M. Graham on iVillage caught my attention, it is about a plus size model who is a cancer surviver and there is even an Emme doll, puts Barbie to shame!
Known for years simply as Emme, the first plus-sized supermodel, a TV fashion commentator and a People magazine correspondent, Emme Aronson was also a suburban mom struggling to figure out what was wrong with her. Since 2003, she had been constantly itching, coughing uncontrollably, and drained of her usually boundless energy. A licensed massage therapist with a background in holistic medicine, Aronson didn’t believe in just medicating her symptoms—she wanted to know what was at the root of the problem. For three years, she saw doctor after doctor, some telling her she had allergies or asthma, others prescribing medication for acid reflux, and some intimating that it was all in her head.
But it wasn’t in her head. Aronson had Hodgkin’s disease, a type of lymphoma, and it was growing.
"I went to a Chinese masseuse," she says. "He stretched one side of my body with no problem, but when he did the opposite side I was in a fit of coughing. He said to me, ‘You are not well; there is something seriously wrong with you.’ So I was chasing doctors, saying, I need you to back up what’s being said.” Though a few other holistic healers would tell Aronson the same thing, Western medicine wasn’t finding anything wrong.
Finally, a diagnosis
On her first meeting with the doctor who would finally diagnose her cancer, Aronson said, “With no disrespect to you, I am livid. I am at the end of rope. I am not being persnickety or a drama queen like it is being insinuated in some other areas. I am letting you know that I am sick and there is something wrong with me and you have to help me.” Aronson demanded a full blood workup and a chest X-ray in the hopes of uncovering the source of her coughing. That day, says Aronson, her instincts told her to bail on a business meeting and put her health first. “I went directly and got the chest X-ray, and that’s when things started to change. It was good.”
Good in the way that, once you know your enemy, you can arm yourself to fight back. In May 2007 Aronson finally found out the source of her coughing fits: a mass the size of a banana sitting on top of her lung. “I was very lucky that it was Hodgkin’s and that it was curable," she says. "At least that’s what I was being told. After I found out it was cancer, the doctor called me immediately and said, ‘Thank God you were persistent.’”
Chemo and complementary medicine
Fearful that radiation might cause more cancer (though a rare side effect), Aronson searched for a doctor who would treat her with just chemotherapy. She finally chose oncologist Gregory Mears at New York City’s Columbia University Medical Center. By the time Aronson started a three-month round of chemotherapy with Dr. Mears, she was drinking 32 ounces of freshly juiced greens, usually a combination of celery, parsley, broccoli and cucumbers, at least once a day. She’d started juicing during her quest for the proper diagnosis as a way to ease her mysterious symptoms.
At first, Dr. Mears wasn’t wholly supportive of Aronson’s new health regimen. While he didn’t think the juicing would hurt, he didn't want Aronson’s holistic approach to interfere with chemotherapy, so he asked her to stop.
Wanting to beat Hodgkin’s, Aronson took Dr. Mears’ advice. After about two weeks, she says, “my intestines were all stopped up and I felt like I was stuck inside my body. It was weird. There’s something about eating purely that you gives you this feeling that it’s all going to be okay.“ She started drinking her vegetable concoctions on the sly for a few weeks until she finally came clean. Apparently the evidence convinced Dr. Mears that Aronson was doing the right thing. “I don’t think it should be a problem,” he told her. “You’re looking quite good. I’ve never seen a patient look so vibrant—ever. You’re getting a massive dose of chemo and you’re jumping all around.”
Aronson believes her daily juicing and use of essential oils such as lavender and lemon limited her need for the strong antinausea drugs typically prescribed to patients receiving chemotherapy.
Going green for a solution
Those weren’t the only changes Aronson was making. “I started thinking, I‘ve got to get my act together,” she says. She took inventory and decided to toss any cleaning products that seemed toxic.
That change to lead to others, like recycling and driving less to save gas. “When I started going greener inside of myself, I [began] realizing that maybe environmental issues or stress [had something to do with my cancer]," she says. "I started thinking how to focus not just on the cancer, but more on the solution. And that’s what led me into such a green direction.”
In addition to using nontoxic and natural cleaners, Aronson recently got rid of all her makeup and beauty products containing potentially dangerous ingredients like sodium laureth, parabens and petroleum. Instead of using lotions with long lists of ingredients, she keeps it simple by using olive oil or shea butter on her skin.
Life goes on
Cancer-free since November 2007, Aronson continues to live an environmentally friendly lifestyle. “Green living for me is living consciously," she says. "I think it’s helping my family to go slower, to be mindful, and to think things through, which is very important for growth and for life.” Besides making sure that the things you put in your home and in your body are good for you, Aronson encourages women to be their own advocates when it comes to health issues. When something is wrong, don’t stop until you find out what it is. “You know yourself,” says Aronson. “You know when there is something going on.”
About Emme: Emme is very involved in the community trying to increase public awareness of eating and body image disorders and raise funds for treatment. She was the first model invited to speak before a Congressional subcommittee in DC. She is also an active member in the National Multiple Sclerosis Society, being the ambassador and serving as an honorary chair of the MS Bike Tour. You can also read more articles on Emma and her own story and start of modeling here.
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Photographers Developing Film - should they know how to do it?
Recently in a forum post I saw a photography student as why he had to learn how to develop film when digital is such the rage?
This makes memories come to me.
In highschool in the mid 90's I doubled on my art electives and never took a foreign language class and took a photography class, I learned to develop my own film. Then in college I took a photography class and did it again with my own Canon Rebel camera.
I think it is important to ask yourself " where does history come from?"
This student wasn't obviously thinking of respecting the craft of photography and I think digital has let many guys with cameras hold this careless persona over having the title photographer or so-called photographer. If you are a photography student you should WANT to learn about photography, develop film, and love the craft of photography and understand where the first cameras came from and how they came to be (that digital thing and) what they are today.
This makes memories come to me.
In highschool in the mid 90's I doubled on my art electives and never took a foreign language class and took a photography class, I learned to develop my own film. Then in college I took a photography class and did it again with my own Canon Rebel camera.
I think it is important to ask yourself " where does history come from?"
This student wasn't obviously thinking of respecting the craft of photography and I think digital has let many guys with cameras hold this careless persona over having the title photographer or so-called photographer. If you are a photography student you should WANT to learn about photography, develop film, and love the craft of photography and understand where the first cameras came from and how they came to be (that digital thing and) what they are today.
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Freelance Models bringing escort to photo shoots- should you do it?
If you are meeting a photographer, it is a good idea to bring an escort with you. It is a good idea to friend a friend, boyfriend, mother, who ever. Being a model should not involve you doing something you do not want to do, or to be put in an awkward or unprofessional situation. In today's world you do have to watch your back, protect yourself and even those who seem professional really aren't, even people with quality work can be jerks, and those who might promise you things with other objectives in mind, are not worth it.
Whether you are meeting an agency, or photographer, or casting director, if you are not comfortable to go alone don't! Bring a friend. They can wait in the hallway if you want to. But these days there are too many scams out there, and too many terrible unprofessional people out there and alot of scams and bad businesses out there. So be careful, promoting yourself and being involved with the entertainment business is no joke, you will run into some jerks, and you do not have to mingle with them. Choose not to.
Whether you are meeting an agency, or photographer, or casting director, if you are not comfortable to go alone don't! Bring a friend. They can wait in the hallway if you want to. But these days there are too many scams out there, and too many terrible unprofessional people out there and alot of scams and bad businesses out there. So be careful, promoting yourself and being involved with the entertainment business is no joke, you will run into some jerks, and you do not have to mingle with them. Choose not to.
Internet Modeling Casting Sites- is that all you need?

You need more than internet modeling casting sites to get legit modeling work. Building your portfolio takes more than one source and one person in this world. The internet can have very sketchy castings and submitting electronical castings can be risky, especially on websites that are not supervised. Also internet modeling social sites do not offer legit castings, some of them even come from and the social site acts like they are a casting director but really they are a scam.
Also casting on Myspace you also have to be careful of, I have received many really terrible random messages in my inbox on Myspace about shoots and so-called Magazines, and agencies looking for models. Beware!
Only casting directors have legit castings and legit modeling agencies have legit jobs for models and actors. Before you sign up for a social site or start hunting for work on the internet try the more legit way.
Mailing your headshot and compcard to agents and casting directors.
To find some legit agents, pick up a Ross Reports, you can even find them on newstands. You can also find it at Barnes and Noble and Borders in the magazine section for $10 or so. Also start googling: Google commercial print modeling agencies, and print modeling agencies, and your city. Even if the agencies have a height requirement if you have good skin, energy and an attractive appeal then send some snap shots anyways, don't try to be something you aren't, fashion shots are not needed, for a short girl you have to focus on what you do have. Your energy, spunk, good skin. And put together a simple compcard. Don't waste your time paying to be on some social site. Those sites will get you no where. Don't waste $30 a month to CALL yourself a model, when you could actually take the right steps and just mail your photos and start getting opportunities quicker. Manager you and pur your time into yourself and pursuits.
I like the feeling of speaking to a real person, a real agent, I like knowing where, when, how much am I paid and what should I bring, how long, and where will it be seen, these are all normal things you should be told and if not ask...if you are not given this information you might want to question whether the agency is professional and the job, and person casting it.
Monday, October 20, 2008
Getting a Modeling Agency- are you having a hard time?
Remember there are agencies out there that accept models of all heights. Come on you see models in ads all the time that are just as pretty as you and most likely about your height too. But the models have an agent. And for a new model it can seem impossible to get an agency, but honestly it comes down to how you market yourself.
Getting a modeling agency comes down to your own persistance, work, and will. You have to strive and be smart about it, you have to remember these things:
1. that most agencies want mail submissions, Not email.
2. Are you mailing the right agencies with the right photos? Are you short and only mailing fashion agencies, are your photos too sexy, are they not what the agency wants to see? most commercial print agencies DO accept models of all heights and focus more on attractive people with personality and clear skin.
3. So make sure you have a headshot, compcard or photos that show your energy and skin.
Many girls wonder why they do not have an agency, and it is mostly because you have the wrong photos and you are not marketing yourself to the agency in the right ways. You do not want to limit yourself by only submitting lingerie photos or half naked photos. The agency, especially commercial print modeling agencies do not want to see that. If you want a modeling agency you might need to tame down your images and make your shots more about the product, than you.
You want to submit casual, energetic shots, of you do something, -talking on the phone, walking your dog, walking down the street, running on the treadmill. Because Modeling is about selling, and you have to show you can sell a product, and a brands theme and vibe from your look.
Think of ad campaigns, think of print ads, notice the models, the shot involves them, but it is about a product.
4. You have to buy some stamps and envelopes and mail, mail, mail, it might take 3-4 submissions or more to hear back from an agency.
You have to try, and try in the right ways.
Getting a modeling agency comes down to your own persistance, work, and will. You have to strive and be smart about it, you have to remember these things:
1. that most agencies want mail submissions, Not email.
2. Are you mailing the right agencies with the right photos? Are you short and only mailing fashion agencies, are your photos too sexy, are they not what the agency wants to see? most commercial print agencies DO accept models of all heights and focus more on attractive people with personality and clear skin.
3. So make sure you have a headshot, compcard or photos that show your energy and skin.
Many girls wonder why they do not have an agency, and it is mostly because you have the wrong photos and you are not marketing yourself to the agency in the right ways. You do not want to limit yourself by only submitting lingerie photos or half naked photos. The agency, especially commercial print modeling agencies do not want to see that. If you want a modeling agency you might need to tame down your images and make your shots more about the product, than you.
You want to submit casual, energetic shots, of you do something, -talking on the phone, walking your dog, walking down the street, running on the treadmill. Because Modeling is about selling, and you have to show you can sell a product, and a brands theme and vibe from your look.
Think of ad campaigns, think of print ads, notice the models, the shot involves them, but it is about a product.
4. You have to buy some stamps and envelopes and mail, mail, mail, it might take 3-4 submissions or more to hear back from an agency.
You have to try, and try in the right ways.
Modeling Agency Scams- how to know if the agency is a scam

This week on Model Talk, on Thurs at 1pm, I will be talking about how to tell if the modeling agency is scamming you and if it is a scam.
There are many girls who come to me for advice and ask about this topic, and ask me tips on how to tell if the agency is legit or a scam. I hope this segment helps.
I will be covering:
How to tell if the agency is a legit agency or a scam
Who makes the compcard: the model, or the agency?
What does a legit modeling agency look for and how to submit to an agency.
How to prepare for a meeting with an agency.
What if the agency isn't calling?
How to build your modeling portfolio to your advantage
Friday, October 17, 2008
Petite Models can Model - if your smart about it
Sure it isn't hard to flaunt your body parts and get a comment on your modeling social site, but really being a model takes a lot more work.
Being a petite can leave a girl to think she can only model in the glamour world and this is simply not true. Before you start to think you are too short for agencies why not do some homework and research on print modeling, here is some insight:
1. Print models are of all heights and ethnicities.
2. If you can handle wearing a sweater or full outfit you might get on a TV Commercial for advil, hair care product, coffee brands, airlines, hotels, furniture, cell phone companies, skincare, shoes, accessories, every retail store from Marshalls to DSW, to Macy's need models, and these models are commercial print models.
3. Use your body in a new way, with parts modeling. Focus on getting shots of your parts, hands, legs, feet, stomach, eyes, backside, and make a parts compcard. You can see mine here:
4. Have bigger goals, think bigger. If you want to be in a magazine, why not submit your best photos that show your personality and style to a magazine like Glamour and Marie Claire, Women's World, Self, Latina, all magazines have a photo department, and it might be unconventional but unconventional works! Mail in your pics.
5. While you are at it, mail all of the commercial print modeling agencies you can find, start Googling, there are over hundred print agencies in NYC. Have you submitted to any?
Being a petite can leave a girl to think she can only model in the glamour world and this is simply not true. Before you start to think you are too short for agencies why not do some homework and research on print modeling, here is some insight:
1. Print models are of all heights and ethnicities.
2. If you can handle wearing a sweater or full outfit you might get on a TV Commercial for advil, hair care product, coffee brands, airlines, hotels, furniture, cell phone companies, skincare, shoes, accessories, every retail store from Marshalls to DSW, to Macy's need models, and these models are commercial print models.
3. Use your body in a new way, with parts modeling. Focus on getting shots of your parts, hands, legs, feet, stomach, eyes, backside, and make a parts compcard. You can see mine here:
4. Have bigger goals, think bigger. If you want to be in a magazine, why not submit your best photos that show your personality and style to a magazine like Glamour and Marie Claire, Women's World, Self, Latina, all magazines have a photo department, and it might be unconventional but unconventional works! Mail in your pics.
5. While you are at it, mail all of the commercial print modeling agencies you can find, start Googling, there are over hundred print agencies in NYC. Have you submitted to any?
Coffee Grind Scrub: At-Home Spa Treatments

I love at-home spa treatments, not just with a bad economy, I love it anytime, because most of the items you need, you probably already have in your kitchen or bathroom cabinets. Here are some ways you can use honey, yogurt, aloe vera liquid, oils, sugars and even coffee grinds, to make fantastic at home spa treatments in a matter of seconds.
For some ideas on at home beauty and how to make your own body scrubs and masques click here to read an article I wrote at
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Pregnant Models Expecting Models

Don't think your modeling pursuits are done when you want to start a family, I recently interviewed the founder of Expecting Models Inc on Model Talk and you can listen to the segment here:
After your have spent time building your portfolio, working with agents and numberous modeling jobs you might think that modeling is over when you want to have a baby but you are wrong!
Expecting Models, works with expecting Mom's, Dad's and Families. Even your baby could get modeling work once it is born and you could model until it is.
Sounds like a great plan and opportunity for a model who is comfortable with her body and belly.
For more info on how to submit to Expecting Models see their website:
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Petite Pride T-Shirts and Totes on

Give your petite pride a voice!
I have created a few shirts and a tote for the short girl. Because Height isn't everything.
The average girl in America is 5’3” or shorter and with this in mind I introduce my “Petite Pride” t-shirt collection at
Two different styles of tank tops and t-shirts are available that read “Super-Short- Model” and “Too Short for What?” There is a tote bag as well that reads “The Average American girl is 5’3” and shorter.”
Flaunt your petite pride here.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Toxic Cosmetics ingredients
I am apart of the PNN network and there is a member named April Duke who writes about alot of health and beauty topics and I wanted to share one of her posts on Toxic Cosmetics ingredients. Do you know what you are putting on your face? And is it toxic? Find out at April's post here:
Oh for the days of blissful ignorance, when I could simply shop for the makeup in the cutest packaging, or the sleekest compact - instead of choosing my makeup by reading a list of ingredients that you need a degree in chemistry to interperet. I do realize that makeup was no less harmful and the chemicals no less damaging - in fact, it was likely worse before the pioneers in green cosmetics began to raise awareness, but I still miss those days.
Now days, shopping for cosmetics is a scientific endeavor! It used to take me quite a bit of time to read through the list, trying to remember what was what, and what to avoid. So I decided to make it a bit easier on myself. When I shop for cosmetics, I have a basic list of things to scan the ingredient list for. Here are my top 5 ingredients to avoid:
Parabens are used as preservatives in cosmetics, and it has been suggested that it may be both a carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) and may have negative effects on hormone levels. There are many chemicals in this family, the most common being methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben. I usually just avoid any ingredient that ends in "paraben".
This chemical is used as a "plasticizer", which is exactly what it sounds like... a chemical that makes something "plastic-like". Usually only found in nail polish, it is a toxic substance that affects the reproductive system.
You mean, the stuff they make gas out of? Yep, not a reassuring thought, eh? Petroleum is found in MANY cosmetic products including mascara and foot powder. It is sometimes listed as "Paraffin".
Thought "nano" anything was relegated to the world of sci fi? Think again. Nanoparticles are found in the form of zinc and titanium dioxides, generally in sunscreens and liquid foundation. These particles are so small that they are absorbed into the brain, causing cell damage.
I know, I know, fragrance? But the truth is, most artificial fragrances are known neurotoxins -- a dirty truth the cosmetic companies do not want you to know. It's generally best to avoid all product that have added fragrance. Instead, look for items with naturally occuring fragrances.
I know that paring my "list to look for" down to a manageable size has helped me - I hope it does the same for you!
Interesting info huh!
Oh for the days of blissful ignorance, when I could simply shop for the makeup in the cutest packaging, or the sleekest compact - instead of choosing my makeup by reading a list of ingredients that you need a degree in chemistry to interperet. I do realize that makeup was no less harmful and the chemicals no less damaging - in fact, it was likely worse before the pioneers in green cosmetics began to raise awareness, but I still miss those days.
Now days, shopping for cosmetics is a scientific endeavor! It used to take me quite a bit of time to read through the list, trying to remember what was what, and what to avoid. So I decided to make it a bit easier on myself. When I shop for cosmetics, I have a basic list of things to scan the ingredient list for. Here are my top 5 ingredients to avoid:
Parabens are used as preservatives in cosmetics, and it has been suggested that it may be both a carcinogen (cancer-causing substance) and may have negative effects on hormone levels. There are many chemicals in this family, the most common being methylparaben, ethylparaben, propylparaben, and butylparaben. I usually just avoid any ingredient that ends in "paraben".
This chemical is used as a "plasticizer", which is exactly what it sounds like... a chemical that makes something "plastic-like". Usually only found in nail polish, it is a toxic substance that affects the reproductive system.
You mean, the stuff they make gas out of? Yep, not a reassuring thought, eh? Petroleum is found in MANY cosmetic products including mascara and foot powder. It is sometimes listed as "Paraffin".
Thought "nano" anything was relegated to the world of sci fi? Think again. Nanoparticles are found in the form of zinc and titanium dioxides, generally in sunscreens and liquid foundation. These particles are so small that they are absorbed into the brain, causing cell damage.
I know, I know, fragrance? But the truth is, most artificial fragrances are known neurotoxins -- a dirty truth the cosmetic companies do not want you to know. It's generally best to avoid all product that have added fragrance. Instead, look for items with naturally occuring fragrances.
I know that paring my "list to look for" down to a manageable size has helped me - I hope it does the same for you!
Interesting info huh!
Nude Modeling Jobs- using your boobs and body

I did a shoot where I had my breasts photographed for a global news magazine. But being nude on the job is normal for me, and I don't mind it. It is actually something I want to do, although there is a big difference between dirobing and shooting just for kicks, and shooting for your modeling portfolio and bigger goals and acomplishing more.
Nudity has become a normacy, so many girls want to show their body and don't mind flaunting it. Showing your body is easy to do in the wrong ways and in ways that mean you don't even book the body related jobs with top brands and magazines, and instead shooting in amatuer guys with camera's livingrooms and not using your body or boobs in a model benefit way.
To start thinking of ways to use your body in editorial ways consider these three ideas:
1. If you look in magazines you will even see bluntly naked, or half naked models, - not just in Playboy either, in many types of magazines, beauty, skincare, jewerly industry magazines, you will notice where models are seen in commercial and editorial ways.
2. You get paid more for your time and body. Editorially modeling and using your body in a commercial print way will get you paid in a more legit and also higher paying way. You can make $1000 for just showing your leg at some modeling jobs.
3. Be smart with your body and respect it. If you have a nice body then want to get your worth. Make your mindset about getting your worth, and not settling or being too desperate that you do not think in a business mindset. It is all about how you market what you have.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Is this Legit, Modeling Jobs that are not opportunities but scams
These days many girls are trying to freelance as models, and build their portfolios and trying to get agents, but do keep in mindm the internet can hurt you.
It is hard to tell the difference between real and amatuer or BS sometimes, so before sending your photo or applying to a modeling job remember these things:
1. Your photo could end up on some random website, so becareful of the size and image content you send. Don't send a half naked shot without knowing more details about the job, who is casting it, and the details.
2. Payment isn't everything. Don't get sucked into doing a modeling job just for the money, when you are starting out as a model, what means more is the quality of the job. The bigger paying jobs will come, but don't get sucked into legit situations, and risky ones because you are desperate to call yourself a model.
3. Ask questions. I always think this is important. When you are managing yourself as a model, and trying to associate with good brands, projects, and jobs to build your portfolio you want to ask questions. It is ok to ask. It is smart to ask.
It is hard to tell the difference between real and amatuer or BS sometimes, so before sending your photo or applying to a modeling job remember these things:
1. Your photo could end up on some random website, so becareful of the size and image content you send. Don't send a half naked shot without knowing more details about the job, who is casting it, and the details.
2. Payment isn't everything. Don't get sucked into doing a modeling job just for the money, when you are starting out as a model, what means more is the quality of the job. The bigger paying jobs will come, but don't get sucked into legit situations, and risky ones because you are desperate to call yourself a model.
3. Ask questions. I always think this is important. When you are managing yourself as a model, and trying to associate with good brands, projects, and jobs to build your portfolio you want to ask questions. It is ok to ask. It is smart to ask.
Commercial print models are everywhere
While trying to be a model you should also notice where commercial print models are used.
Do you notice where commercial print models are?
Do you look at magazines or all types, or just one type?
Do you notice where models are of all heights or only fashion models?
Are you noticing what models of all heights CAN model, or are you only focusing on one type of modeling?
Do you notice where commercial print models are?
Do you look at magazines or all types, or just one type?
Do you notice where models are of all heights or only fashion models?
Are you noticing what models of all heights CAN model, or are you only focusing on one type of modeling?
Do you like your body and self?
There are so many products out there to change the way you look. I don't know about the butt cushion underwear pad you can buy. It kinda freaks me out. Thank god I like my butt. My thoughts on all the junk out there to change who you are:
"Either like what you have or enhance the goods and get over the flaws you have"
"Either like what you have or enhance the goods and get over the flaws you have"
Friday, October 10, 2008
Sign with Modeling Agency- should you do it.
Many lifestyle and commercial print agencies don't ask for you to SIGN exclusive with them, you just freelance and work with them as a contractor. You give the agency your compcards, they promote your look and photos to their clients and the agency calls you. If you book the job the agency will mail you a check and the percent SHOULD be already taken out. Usually %20 is standard. SO if the job paid you $1000, your check wilkl say $800 and when you do your taxes, it was for 800.
TV might trick the mindset when it comes to the importance of signing with an agency. Yes fashion models might sign with an agency, and the agency might scout and put these models in houses or dorms, but for commercial print modeling, for girls who are petite, shorter, and lifestyle and print models you don't.
The Reason:
A talent agency or commercial print lifestye agency that only works with commercial print models should not ask you to sign an exclusive contract. Most don't and if one does it could be a scam and please let me know about it.
Signing with an agency limits your chances because then you are waiting for this one agency to call you because you can't work with anything, anyone else, and for the commercial print modeling world that is just not how it works anyways. A legit agency will NOT ask you be to exclusive. And it is better this way.
Don't be decieved over the feeling of "Someone represents me." or " I have an agency," and don't be mislead by the question, " Who are you with?" Do you have an agency?
Because who you do have at the end of the day mainly YOU! I enjoy working with my agents alot, but I do not expect them to promote me and make my dreams come true. Or really and honestly care about my goals. Our relationship is a mutual business. I give them photos, they mailk them out, or send them to their clients, I get sent to the casting, and get booked and paid, and they get a percent.
An agency is sort of like a non exclusive marketing tool.
Over the years in NYC I have worked with 5 commercial print agencies, who send you on castings and bookings and at the end of the year I file my own taxes. It is sort of like making yourself a small business.
Imagine being a handbag designer an working with 5 different department stores, instead of only just one. What if the store doesn't sell your bags or re-order? Then you are stuck with nothing. You do NOT have to sign with a modeling agency exclusively to be a model and get work. Don't be trapped.
TV might trick the mindset when it comes to the importance of signing with an agency. Yes fashion models might sign with an agency, and the agency might scout and put these models in houses or dorms, but for commercial print modeling, for girls who are petite, shorter, and lifestyle and print models you don't.
The Reason:
A talent agency or commercial print lifestye agency that only works with commercial print models should not ask you to sign an exclusive contract. Most don't and if one does it could be a scam and please let me know about it.
Signing with an agency limits your chances because then you are waiting for this one agency to call you because you can't work with anything, anyone else, and for the commercial print modeling world that is just not how it works anyways. A legit agency will NOT ask you be to exclusive. And it is better this way.
Don't be decieved over the feeling of "Someone represents me." or " I have an agency," and don't be mislead by the question, " Who are you with?" Do you have an agency?
Because who you do have at the end of the day mainly YOU! I enjoy working with my agents alot, but I do not expect them to promote me and make my dreams come true. Or really and honestly care about my goals. Our relationship is a mutual business. I give them photos, they mailk them out, or send them to their clients, I get sent to the casting, and get booked and paid, and they get a percent.
An agency is sort of like a non exclusive marketing tool.
Over the years in NYC I have worked with 5 commercial print agencies, who send you on castings and bookings and at the end of the year I file my own taxes. It is sort of like making yourself a small business.
Imagine being a handbag designer an working with 5 different department stores, instead of only just one. What if the store doesn't sell your bags or re-order? Then you are stuck with nothing. You do NOT have to sign with a modeling agency exclusively to be a model and get work. Don't be trapped.
Thursday, October 9, 2008
Modeling Agency clients-Why you Should think of them
When you are putting together a compcard you should think of the modeling agencies clients. The reason:
Think about what the agent will think when they see your photos? They will think about their clients, the jobs they have previously booked and see if you could fit into the type of castings and work the agency gets.
I would think about the modeling jobs a shorter girl can aspire to. Such as modeling for accessories, lifestyle products, home goods, jewerly, shoes, makeup, hair products, and start to notice ads and editorials and even the packaging of products and notice the shot. The models pose, the smile, the hair style, what is she wearing?
And apply this idea to your own photos. A modeling agency will think of their clients and see if you are a good fit for the type of work they send their models off to. So create and show photos that an agency can relate to. It helps to visit the modeling agency website and get ideas from what is shown on the site.
A shorter girl should be doing this especially since it is not petite modeling you should be focusing on, it is print modeling, and noticing where models of all heights are used. It will help you to create your compcard photos, and also to get a modeling agency.
Think about what the agent will think when they see your photos? They will think about their clients, the jobs they have previously booked and see if you could fit into the type of castings and work the agency gets.
I would think about the modeling jobs a shorter girl can aspire to. Such as modeling for accessories, lifestyle products, home goods, jewerly, shoes, makeup, hair products, and start to notice ads and editorials and even the packaging of products and notice the shot. The models pose, the smile, the hair style, what is she wearing?
And apply this idea to your own photos. A modeling agency will think of their clients and see if you are a good fit for the type of work they send their models off to. So create and show photos that an agency can relate to. It helps to visit the modeling agency website and get ideas from what is shown on the site.
A shorter girl should be doing this especially since it is not petite modeling you should be focusing on, it is print modeling, and noticing where models of all heights are used. It will help you to create your compcard photos, and also to get a modeling agency.
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
10 Facts about Modeling

Forget being discovered, discover yourself and make what you want to happen!
1. It starts with Research –there is more than the Elite Fashion agencies out there, there are over a hundred commercial print modeling agencies in NYC.
2. Visit ,sign up for casting notices, and also read the articles on tips and advice for the entertainment business.
3. Buy a Ross Reports at Barnes and Noble- lists casting directors and agents. Worth the buy.
4.Or Google some modeling agencies in your hometown or city, also google, marketing companies, small businesses, aspiring designers and brands in your town that might need a model too.
5. Show a modeling agency photo that sells you,- not just any old photo- look at the agency website, it is a good research tool for what you NEED when it comes to photos as a model.
6. Submission process, mailings should include your photo, headshot, beauty shot, or compcard or headshot, and your phone number and stats.
7. Include your height, age, hair color, eye color, shoe size, dress size on your photo or compcard
8. Most agencies will want to meet you before they send you on a casting, wear just a normal outfit, jeans, a dress, something simple, not too fashiony, and not too sexy.
9. Some agencies won’t meet you ahead of time and they will send you out even before they meet you.
10. The agency won't hand you everything, you should expect to make your own marketing tools, compcard headshot and compcard, and modeling portfolio book.
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
Model Portfolio Prints Tips

Well you shouldn't go broke spending for your modeling portfolio prints. And what you need to show is really basic.
When it comes to deciding what prints to print you can think of the type of modeling jobs you want to getand the castings you will be most likely going on, but also think about their type of people who will be looking at the portfolio?
Art directors
Marketing Managers
Casting Directors
They will only give you a few minutes or seconds of their time to flip through your book, so you want to make sure the first things they see are great. Your portfolio is what books you work sometimes. Not always how you look that day or what you are wearing that day.
( Although it is important to look great, have great looking fresh skin and a natural skintone and a nice appearance.)
Alot of times you will be booked based on just your photos and what is in your portfolio and how you look on camera.
Did you know that some people look different on camera than in person?
I would print 5-8 photos first. That all look different and all show you in a different way. If you have only done 2-3 shoots or one shoot then make sure the photos at least look different, different expressions, different outfit, pose.
Diversity is good, but not TOO diverse. You don't want to show yourself looking like a Goth and then show yourself in a fashion prom dress. You want to look like yourself, just yourself showing you can work with brands, that you have personality, and you can work with products.
If you have long hair then showing your hair up and down is a good idea, another photo of you interacting with another person, smiling laughing, and the other person doesn't even have to be fully in the shot, (see above photo) -or walking a dog, doing something.
Your portfolio can show a little more range than your compcard but you still want the shots to look like you and look real, honest, and natural. Not too much makeup. Not too styled. Think of ads and editorials and focus on making shots that look like that and put them in your portfolio.
Your portfolios should speak about your experience and ability as a model.
I would show headshots, energy shots, and if you have tearsheets or copies from a catalog shot or a photo that shows your modeling experience I would put them towards the front of your portfolio.
I would think of your market, if you are showing your body in your portfolio you still want to be picky about what images you whip out and show. You might need to adjust your portfolio depending on the casting you are going to, for example:
If you are going to a shoe modeling casting then you don't need to show your swimwear shots. If you are going to a skincare casting then if it is for face then just a beauty shot and closeups are good to show, if it is for body then swimwear and full body is better to show.
You want to show shots that will inspire the art director or casting director to think " this girl can do the job" so you want to show photos that are close to what you imagine or assume the job could involve. If it is for a female that is 18-24 who has a trendy look for a phone company ad, then you know to look the part and also show a photo that looks like what a phone ad would look like, smiling, showing personality.
You can be a bit more creative with showing a few artistic or more fashion like photos or more diverse photos in your modeling portfolio. But your compcard should stick to being commercially styled.
Some compcard printing places give discounts or include prints also within their production.
Cheap lunch ideas Model Budgets
Well, If you are an aspiring model, or striving in the entertainment business then food is something you might get cheap on. Today I am eating a small salad. Doesn't it seems salads actually cost a lot of money? I mean all the extras that cost a dollar. But the items in it didn't cost as much as you might think in my salad. Here'e why:
When I go to the Cafe I only get the Lettuce and then ask for two sides that are something I might not have at home, like an egg, or a certain veggie. Or if you want you can just get the luttuce and dressing. Then at home add the rest and save money.
Think about it, each extra costs a dollar or more sometimes at the cafe salad line!
Today I ordered an egg and broccoli and mushrooms with my lettuce and then at home added a few pieces of cucumber and tomato, and pieces of turkey from Sara Lee fresh ideas package. And what a salad it is! Yummy! And for half the price.
I hate paying more for things when I don't have to, so I consider them Food Accessories, and I do buy them which can add a little something, flavor and fun to my meal.
Don't be afraid to mix the cafe food with your own budget at home. You can have an interesting diverse lunch and save money too!
Also remember a cucumber can last you three meals or more if you are using it for a pasta salad, a veggie salad, and as a side dish for another meal, or snack.
When I go to the Cafe I only get the Lettuce and then ask for two sides that are something I might not have at home, like an egg, or a certain veggie. Or if you want you can just get the luttuce and dressing. Then at home add the rest and save money.
Think about it, each extra costs a dollar or more sometimes at the cafe salad line!
Today I ordered an egg and broccoli and mushrooms with my lettuce and then at home added a few pieces of cucumber and tomato, and pieces of turkey from Sara Lee fresh ideas package. And what a salad it is! Yummy! And for half the price.
I hate paying more for things when I don't have to, so I consider them Food Accessories, and I do buy them which can add a little something, flavor and fun to my meal.
Don't be afraid to mix the cafe food with your own budget at home. You can have an interesting diverse lunch and save money too!
Also remember a cucumber can last you three meals or more if you are using it for a pasta salad, a veggie salad, and as a side dish for another meal, or snack.
Monday, October 6, 2008
Why Modeling is Challenging and Easy
Enjoy this video on Why Modeling is Challenging and Easy.
Do the work and you can make yourself a model and get legit modeling work.
Scroll down the blog and see more advice on making yourself a model.
Sunday, October 5, 2008
Modeling Tips Not Taking the Model Shortcut
The Model shortcut is a girl who wants to be a model so badly that she makes mistakes, stumbles, and falls into some really bad rooms and surrounds herself with the wrong people, she losing her grip on her "real dreams" and falls for just settling for the shortcut that doesn't always mean "the better route."
Just being seen shouldn't be the goal, it is should be 'being seen in the right ways."
The right ways are ways that will benefit you in the long run, not just for five minutes of fame and exposure.
The exposure you get should help you get more, it is better to work three amazing modeling jobs a year than a bunch of "so-called modeling jobs, that are really scams and mistakes or not going to get you anywhere...-I mean, places real models are."
Think of your goals, big goals, create some, stick to them, do not lose sight of them. In this business is easy to lose site of your goals, the modeling jobs you want to get. It is easy to be desperate to be seen, desired, popular, etc, when modeling is more about the brands than YOU. A real model is not obsessed over how many guys think she is hot, a real model is trying to work with brands, wants to work with brands, want to get an agent, and strives to do the work that it involves to get the real way, the real work, really model...not the shortcut.
Just being seen shouldn't be the goal, it is should be 'being seen in the right ways."
The right ways are ways that will benefit you in the long run, not just for five minutes of fame and exposure.
The exposure you get should help you get more, it is better to work three amazing modeling jobs a year than a bunch of "so-called modeling jobs, that are really scams and mistakes or not going to get you anywhere...-I mean, places real models are."
Think of your goals, big goals, create some, stick to them, do not lose sight of them. In this business is easy to lose site of your goals, the modeling jobs you want to get. It is easy to be desperate to be seen, desired, popular, etc, when modeling is more about the brands than YOU. A real model is not obsessed over how many guys think she is hot, a real model is trying to work with brands, wants to work with brands, want to get an agent, and strives to do the work that it involves to get the real way, the real work, really model...not the shortcut.
Friday, October 3, 2008
Getting naked modeling or acting

These days, especially because of the web it can be hard to tell the difference between legit and BS. When I say BS, I don't mean a scam, I just mean "a role that won't really benefit where you want to go, and the bigger goals you have."
I see this alot among castings for student films, and low budget films. Wanting nudity for the role or "just one topless scene."
Now I am comfortable being naked, but just being comfortable isn't the point, it is about the role, the job, the aftermath and how the role will project new roles and more work, and if it will and if it won't.
Before you accept a job, disrobe, or get on set, make sure it is a role and job you are really thinking about.
It isn't just the now, it is the later.
To be honest I show my body a lot at my castings and as a parts model when my agent sends me to a casting or magazine there is a good chance I will be showing my legs, or body, breasts, parts, but knowing it is coming from a legit professional agency that has credibility and knowing that it is a casting with a national brand or magazine, is very different than walking into some random apartment and shooting a love scene with you kissing a girl or showing your boob for a film you are not even sure has funding for marketing, and that it won't become some fun flick for a bunch of guys.
Working with an established director, a national or global network, or film company, art director, production company, magazine, and brand should be your goal.
Nudity is something that happens in the entertainment business but please be picky about the roles you do and the photos you take, especially if you have bigger goals.
Desperation and even hunger sometimes as a striving actress or model can lead you to make bad choices, and forget the "real goal, the real reason you moved to NYC, to chase your goals and dreams."
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
These boots were made for walking
There is nothing wrong with fixing your shoes and going to the cobbler, don't be scared of bringing your older boots in for a fix, and you save money, enjoy this video on how I revive and shop for boots!
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Petite modeling source for advice and tips on modeling and modeling photos and inspiration for the petite models.