Petite modeling source for advice and tips on modeling and modeling photos and inspiration for the petite models.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Working with REAL Photographers Not Guys with Camera
This was my answer to her on if she should work with a photographer and her question:
Question: A guy wrote me on Musecube and said I saw your page on MuseCube. I just went over your imagesand I like your look - you have great features (love your eyes) and I like how well you work with the camera. I'm currently shooting images for magazines like Maxim, FHM and Vellum (in New York). You'll be a great fit withsome of the shotsthat I'm working on. I will give you an edited disk of the images foryour portfolioand half of the money from all published shots. I can also help youbuild your portfolio.Get back to me and let me know if you're interested and we'll set something up soon.
My answer:
1. I hate social sites and I prefer you to work with ONLY professional photographers and focus on getting representation with an agency.
2. I don't think his work is not good at all. It is actually terrible and not magazine quality and it sounds like this guy is another "guy with a camera" trying to be a photographer without any real skill. Even though he mentioned Maxim he hasn't said that he has worked with the magazine and his work doesn't show any published work at all ( that is a big sign), and many of his shots are ONLY sexy, and for a girl of your height, glamour modeling is something they always fall into, along with accepting emails like this, without focusing enough on the images they really need to get an agent, so I would write him back and this time state what YOU are looking for. I wouldn't just say yes and wing it and hope you get what he is saying in a message on Musecube. I would ask questions, ask for references, ask more details about his shoot intentions. He said you had nice eyes,and offered to give you a CD and half the money if something gets published, but you know what...if you wanted you could easily just submit your own photos to the photo editors yourself. I wouldn't trust in someone so quickly. It sounds like it would just be a test shoot. And being in sexy poses means there is a good chance you could end up naked.
3. The last part of his signature said Philadelphia, so I do not think it is safe to travel there alone. Especially if you are a new model.
Final note:
Only work with professional photographers, GET off social sites, they will get you no where but walking down the runway of broken dreams. You have to focus on the REAL ways to get ahead as a model.
And you need to ask yourself:
What are your goals as a model?
If you are not willing to work for your pursuits then you shouldn't model, modeling is a business as much as it is competitive and about ads and editorials and shoots. Real models do not get discovered on social sites.
What work have you done? Look for modeling agencies and look at the girls they work with, compare their photos and you can see the photos you need. You won't find them by working with "guys with cameras"
e.l.f Sun Worthy Makeup Tips

I thought these Sun tips from E.L.F cosmetics was great, this is insight for your skin. And can be considered year long. Your skin is an important asset for working as a model so take note:
Getting ready for a day at the beach should be simple and that includes your makeup routine. While the heavy makeup that you may use for a night out on the town or for the long sunless winters works well, the beach is a whole different world. Beach makeup should be light, fun, protective, and waterproof. If you're hitting the waves soon, follow these tips for makeup perfection.
* Eyes: Nothing looks worse than a beautiful face masked with running black mascara. Unfortunately, the beach is one of the prime places for this makeup disaster to transpire. Between the blistering temperatures, the ocean, and the pool, your bound to have moisture of some type ruin your makeup. This makes the number one beach makeup must have water proof mascara. If you don't have waterproof mascara you're better off just going without it and preventing the dreaded raccoon eyes.
* Lips: Leave the bright color lip sticks at home and swap them out for some sheer lip gloss that encompasses your natural beauty. Regardless of what you choose to cover those lips make sure it's ready to protect you from the sun. Choose lip glosses, sticks, and balms that offer SPF 15 protection. The salt water and dry air often found on the beach can also take a toll on your lips by removing moisture from them so make sure you choose something with added moisturizers.
* Your Skin: beach makeup should be light and ready for whatever the day may bring your way. Since you will be in and out of the water or perspiring due to the super hot temperatures, you may want to limit the amount of foundation and cover up you use and stick the bare essentials. Event hough you need little foundation, especially once the snow start to paint your face with that bronzed glow, you do need to pay a little attention to your delicate face. Make sure to moisturize your face daily. Look for moisturizers that offer that necessary sun protection. SPF 15 is generally the lowest you should go especially if you have fair skin that is prone to freckling and burning.
Even though your skin routine should be simple while sitting beach side, when you go out for the evening you'll want to glam up. Take advantage of the color the sun has left on your face and use translucent powdered in the areas you need them most like your t-zone . You can also use a bit of blush to really bring that beach goddess out. Be sun savvy and make sure your makeup matches your tone and only use it to bring out the glow not to cover it.
* Hair: Few things on the beach are kind to your hair. The salt water and chlorine can leave it begging for moisture and the breeze can leave you in desperate need of a brush. Keep this in mind when you pack your hair accessories and make sure you have plenty of conditioner, hair ties to pull back those beach worthy tresses, as well as a hat for those days you just can't win the battle with your messy mane.There are numerous websites that offer valuable information about beauty. One site, EyeLipsFace, presents an comprehensive resource of beauty tips, suggestions, a blog, and the capability to create a personalized profile on the site. They are worthwhile to visit and utilize.
Check them out here:
Friday, August 22, 2008
Being a model takes confidence Self esteem issues
If you are expecting modeling to make you feel good about your self, then you do not understand what modeling is. Modeling is not an ego boost for yourself, it is a business. It is about the brand more than you. It is about the brand you are modeling more than you.
Many teenagers want to model but many of them have self esteem issues and they think posting their photo on social sites or just calling themselves a model, or going to a modeling school will really help them feel better about themselves, when really feeling good about yourself is not an outward thing, it is inward!
You have to love your mind, your skills, your person beyond the beauty, or appearance of you.
It is a lonely business, you pursue by your self most of the time, if you are over 18, you will be going to casting by your self, and shoots, and marketing yourself yourself, mailing photos to agencies to get started.
If you do not have confidence then modeling then you should not start.
It is similar to playing a sport, You have to have confidence on the court or playing field, just like in modeling you have to believe in you and really work hard to get the representation you want as a model and strive. Just because something isn't easy and you aren't discovered doesn't mean you shouldn't model.
But you have to know that it takes confidence, and a smart person to start modeling.
I don't think of modeling as a flakey thing, I think of it involving ALOT of research skills, and personality and knowing how to market yourself. Days of being discovered are basically over, and the shorter girl can get ahead but she can't expect to be discovered. And have it all worked out and handed to you. Modeling, like any pursuit, sport, goal, is work!
Yes the business is a business. But you have to have confidence, love yourself first.
That is number 1.
Focus on your strengths, and you will become who you want to be.
Thursday, August 21, 2008
At Home Photo shoot in forty minutes Home Made and Ready

Curvation shows Plus Size model in Ad
About Curvation:
CURVATION® was created for the countless curvaceous women who told us they couldn't find intimate apparel that was both beautiful and functional. We talked to real women with real curves and they voiced their frustration at only being able to find functional products that weren't beautiful or beautiful products that lacked comfort and support.
Designed by the team of women who make EXQUISITE FORM®, a long-time leader and innovator in women's intimates, CURVATION® is the perfect fusion of femininity and function. For the first time the 60 million curvaceous women in America have an intimate apparel solution that is both sensual and liveable and affordably priced.
Our goal is to translate our design expertise into a wardrobe of intimate apparel that offers women beautiful, figure-enhancing options to celebrate their curves. We hope CURVATION® creates a new language to convey a very positive message of confidence, sensuality and femininity.
We also hope you love wearing CURVATION® as much as we love making it.
Real women with real curves spoke and we listened. Click to hear what they had to say about being curvaceous and about CURVATION®.
Also Queen Latifah positively embodies the spirit of curvaceous women. She was the unanimous choice of the women we spoke with to be their role model. She clearly celebrates her curves and that's what CURVATION® is all about.
Models don't have to do Drugs
Recently someone asked me about what it was like going to castings and being around all different types of models. Well for one, I am not usually around tall models, but I do see plenty of models, and it's not like a bag of coke or acid comes with your modeling portfolio as a free gift, it is a choice.
The word model has gotten a bad reputation as a profession because of the drugs, sluts, and bitchy'ness that is portrayed in the media, movies, and at clubs, sure I have gone out many times and danced on tables, but those days are so over for me. So are the "model parties," you know, when you just show up at a club, sit at a table, drink vodka for free, because your face is cute, nope, done with that shit. I don't care who will be there. Been there. seen it, puked on it, over it. The conversation is also very weak.
All you get after that is the hang over and you can't get done anything the next day and I just don't have time for that shit, -my bank account is over-flowing yet, but even if it was, I wouldn't want to be lazy about my life, and honestly, the girls who are really drunk and wasted these days are not modeling the next day or able to go to the casting and look their best.
I am so sick of the slouchy, messed up model. Hair in her face, fucked up, tired, I am alive! I am not drooling.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
It Takes more than twenty dollars to start modeling
For any of the social websites that say It's EASY, they are full of it, modeling involves marketing yourself, and you won't be discovered on the web.
You would have better luck printing up some 4 x6 prints, of headshots and a full body shot, could be in jeans, fitness clothing, swimwear, and mailing them to every agency in your town or city. If you are in NYC there are plenty!
If you were to mail all the agents listed in the ross reports, or on you would most likely get a call back, but you have to do the work.
Getting a modeling agency tips
I think the more you interact with real people, real agents, and not just internet encounters the closer you will be to real agents, real modeling jobs and real opportunities.
Yes there are great sources on the web, wonderful ones, but only relying on social media tools can bring a real let down to girls who are looking to be models, the real jobs are being cast and you don't know about them because you do not have a respectable agent, or a compcard, or headshot, or a modeling portfolio.
You wouldn't try to be a doctor with the education right? Same with modeling...don't sort of try to be one, so to really be one, you need to think like a professional. Legit modeling jobs are happening every day, but they are not looking for newbie models, wanna be's and so-called models on the web. They are calling modeling agencies.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Modeling portfolio and professional photos for Models
This was my reply:
Of course you should want to have the best photos possible, professional photos, and your photos represent you, what you are capable of, and they are your life line to modeling jobs and getting representation. Your photo is what will make you a model, and your effort to market yourself.But a professional photo should be based more on: WHAT YOU NEED that will benefit you. This is not a Model reality show based on how well you hold a snake, this is real modeling, this is being realistic about your modeling pursuits. You don't have to be all styled like Vogue for your commercial print compcard or photos. But they do need to be clear and look like you.
A simple shot of you standing and laughing or looking like an ad for a handbag is perfect. Take a look at seventeen, or YM or Teen Vogue magazine. Get a feel for how ads look and the model appears. You start working on photos right in your living room, practice, lay on the couch, pretend you are in a couch or furniture ad. Arch your back, stretch your legs, but still look natural.
Now focus on your face, relax, and do not make a questioning, teasing face, make a confident face, a friendly one.
When it comes to creating photos, it is simple. A simple shot of your face close up like hair care magazines, and like the girls on the front of the hair care boxes is a good look. - look in magazine's and focus on the ads for haircare to get inspired.
Just a simple nice smile is what you need. Don't over do it with make up.
A Modeling portfolio is YES, but only after you have a collection of GREAT quality photos, you should get one once you start going on auditions, and castings because you will SHOW the portfolio to the casting director, they look at modeling portfolios to see your diversity, and range as a model. Here is a link on modeling portfolios:http://petitemodelingsource. blogspot. com/2008/07/your-modeling-portfolio-prints-should. html
When it comes to a modeling portfolio, Check this out for the type of photos you need:http://petitemodelingtips. blogspot. com/2008/05/are-photos-for-portfolio-are-needed. html
But right now, to get started you just need some nice simple shots of yourself, smiling, laughing, enjoying life and throw in there some products, like a necklace, handbag, some shoes, and make your shots look like ads. You could sit on the couch ( like I mentioned above)- or sit in a chair, or stand by the steps, or by a doorway, and have a handbag at your side, or sitting on the ground and you reach for it, and hold it, or something simple like that.The more ad like your photos look the better. An agency wants to see that you are sellable, that you can model products, and with brands.Right now you just need a simple face shot, showing your whole face, no hairing covering it, you need an energy shot.
Also If you want to get an idea of what photos you need look at my compcards here:www. isobellajade. compcard. comKeep in mind, I am 25, not 18, and if I show my body it looks like a catalog shot. I don't just show my body for any ol reason, it is with an editorial or ad appeal.I want to model with top brands and I do, because I show I can model, I make all my photo look like ads and editorials and it leads to me booking great jobs.For now, like I said, just grab a digital camera and start to practice. NOT pose, but be you, look in magazines to get inspired, and start thinking of ways you can model. Look in hair magazines, craft magazines, fitness, and magazines of ALL types. Modeling is not just fashion, but you have to show what you can in deed do within your photos
If you are not tall enough for fashion it is ok. You can do so much more, such as model for ads, editorials, for products and lifestyle brands, so grab your favorite sunglasses and make the shot look like an ad for a sunglass ad.
It is all about your marketing mentality. And knowing what you CAN model and print modeling, commercial print, lifestyle modeling is best for girls who are shorter.
If you don't have money to spend on photos, I assume you don't have $50- $100 to spend on photos, then at this newbie phase, you could even ask a friend to help you at this point.
Just ask one of your girlfriends, or your mom even.You just need shots that look natural. Not too much makeup, no diva, no cakey makeup, just natural, look at ADS for skincare, and products like Revlon. Posing too hard, being to fake about it, won't make you a model, commercial print modeling agencies want to see you natural. As you.I would also google: commercial print modeling and try to get some insight on what it is.I did a pod cast on it: You can listen here:
http://www. blogtalkradio. com/isobellajade/va/2008/05/29/what-is-commercial-print-modeling-anyway
Once you have some snap shots, print up some photos, even at Wal-Mart, some 4 x6 photos, and mail them to agencies. Sure a compcard is nice to have, but if you don't think you are ready for that, then focus on a simple headshot, and energy shot. And get started.
When you get more experienced and get with an agent you could ask for some help, but an agent just wants to see a few things:
Your face
Your energy
And knowing you are a sellable model
You don't have to go broke to start your modeling pursuits but you do need to invest time, energy and invest in prints and stamps and envelopes.
Monday, August 18, 2008
Working with A Modeling agency
Gettin booked once or twice in this day an age doesn't mean your modelin agency will call you constantly you still have to show them with your effort that you are serious, and busy and ambitious and until you build your portfolio you might have better luck freelancing with many modeling agencies than just one.
Agencies are a marketing tool. So just because you have one interested in working with you, doesn't mean you should sit on your butt and wait for them to call. Still stay busy!
This day and age, it is about self serving and being very active within your pursuits.
Look leaner in photos and using your body to pose right
Confidence comes from loving your body, but having a proportioned body in photos is important for a model. No matter if you are a size 2 or 24! Learning how to work with what you are and pose with it to create a great photo is important. Don't expect the photographer to always tell you how to pose, or the art director, sometimes the photographer or art director want you to do what you do...pose....and then they will say."ok, perfect hold it!"
But holding it, and knowing how to angle your body is important. No matter your size. Especially since models come in all shapes and sizes these days.
So when it comes to posing here are a few things to consider:
1. separating the arms creates length to your body. Instead of hugging your body close and putting your upper arm right against your chest, loosen the space a few inches, you will appear leaner and longer.
2. High heels. Yes it might sound typical of height challenged women but wear some heels and when either sitting or standing.
3. No baggy clothing, the rag doll look can be cute, but not for a photo shoot. Stick to clothing that are fitted, but not too tight. Sometimes if the shirt, or bra is too tight it can make you look bigger than you actually are.
4. Keep your chin a little higher, not too high, but say no double chins, even the skinny girls can run into this problem, keep your frame long, stretched, and poised. Even when laughing you can tilt your head and angle your face so that your face looks refined.
5. When you have a prop a bag if you are petite, don't have one in the shot that is TOO big and makes you look smaller. Or short. If you are curvy, don't have such a small bag you look bigger than you actually are. Same with chairs, and other props, keep everything in proportion. If you are posing with a guy, make sure he isn't 5 inches taller than you and that you have to look up a mile to see him.
6. Of course arching your back and standing straight makes you gain a few inches. You wouldn't believe how many people I see slouching! Standing tall makes you appear talk as well.
7. Mainly I think keeping proportions has to do with space, keeping the spaces open, if you are sitting in a chair, bring one leg closer to the camera, create length and depth using your own body angles, and when standing, put weight evenly throughout the body, if you are leaning on one leg, make sure to bend the other leg, to keep the balance of proportion.
Friday, August 15, 2008
Photo shoot mistakes: Was your photoshoot not what you wanted
1. Meet with the photographer ahead of time. It isn't just about the photographer liking you and your vibe, it is about YOU liking the photographer and his work and feeling comfortable with them. This is important so that infront of the camera you appear natural and at ease, and confident.
2. Speak about what you want to shoot ahead of time, have a plan, and make sure the photographer understands what you are looking for. Even exchange and email or get it in writing. An email can be credit of what the photographer said and agreed to, should something go wrong.
3. Be realistic and honest with how much money you have to spend and what you are expecting from the shoot. If you are debating cost, and you have a small budget, think about what you really need to be a model...the best shots to have are actually simple, a headshot, a commercial energy shot...So even if you can only get one good shot from the shoot prepare to make the most of it, discuss styling, makeup, bring samples of photos you like in magazines and focus on what you really need and the goals of the shoot.
4. The best way to have a good shoot, is to plan ahead of time, be prepared and if possible get what is expected in writing. And only work with photographers you trust and who are comfortable to work with.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Body part modeling-your skin alone can make you a model
1. An even-skin tone. Having an even skin tone can help you book an agent and modeling jobs, just because a model walks on the runway or in a print ad, doesn't mean she is naturally toned, with great skin.
2. Having a toned body, if your legs are tone, your backside, your arms and stomach you can also do fitness modeling and parts modeling for skincare brands, and magazine editorials.
3. You can start by having photos of yourself and your body parts, -this is a must have-for models who have great skin and want to print modeling and also parts modeling, and you want your photos to look like ads and editorials, so you will want to look at some to get inspired. Usually in Marie Claire and Glamour and Elle you can find some good skincare ads. will want to find an agency that deals with Parts modeling, or commercial print modeling. You can also call and ask if the agency gets any jobs for skincare, or body type jobs and mention you have great skin and legs, hands, stomach, etc.
Wednesday, August 13, 2008
The Internet won't make you a model alone
The internet has created this bubble or opportunity to be exposed but actually it can lead to you being exposed in the wrong ways, ways that do not really make you a model, but just feel like one.
It takes more than just one source of marketing tool to get work as a model, it takes real people, in the industry who work with models, and real clients, who book models.
There is so much clutter on the web, so many fluffs, and girls who are not really models, but just showing their ass, to be a model get work as one, make a business out of it, and get an agent, you need to first of course be your own agent and hustle and work hard and think like a marketer, but you also have to understand the difference between a hit or click on your profile page, and getting modeling WORK.
Yoga Toes coupon for your Foot Pain

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
New Modeling Advice Videos on Youtube
I have posted new videos on Youtube about:
Being a Self Made Model
Using your compcard to model
5 things all models need
Different Types of Modeling
Modeling is like being a small Business
Enjoy here
Monday, August 11, 2008
You can Get a Modeling Agency
It takes more than a few submissions to agencies to get an agent interested in you. It might take 5-10 submissions before you even get a call back, an interest, a meeting. So if you give up before you really begin how can you really say you want to be a model?
It takes a lot of work but if you have good photos, and focus on the assets you do have and flaunt them in your photos, including your energy, your fit body, your smile, and your unique traits you should get an agent. Target yourself to agencies that work with models of all heights and types.
Commercial print modeling agency is more likely going to look at you and be a better fit for you if you are not 5'8". If you are shorter you might want to focus on making your photos not so fashion like and stick to creating images that look more commercial. Your Photos mean alot because that is what an agent sees and usually the agent will just look at the card, think about the clients they get and the current work the agency has booked and if they can't picture you working then they just won't call you. Show what You CAN model in your pics!
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Plus Size Models do get modeling work
For fashion Plus Size modeling there ARE requirements usually you still have to be taller, 5'7" or taller. A size 12, 14, 16 is prefered. But for Commercial print modeling, and commercial print modeling agencies, which is not so fashion related, but more commercial modeling and modeling lifestyle products based, there is NOT a height requirement.
For Plus size models and petite models it is more about being proportioned, and photographing proportioned.
So I would look at some catalogs and ads that involve plus size models and try to create images that look like them. include products into your photos.
Show that you can MODEL something, alot of girls think modeling is just about themselves but modeling is more about "can you actually model that product, make it look great and sellable?" Whether it is clothing or an iPod.
Instead of looking for a PLUS SIZE Modeling Agency I would actually look for commercial print agencies, or modeling agencies that have a plus size division. Sometimes the height requirement can still be a troubling thing for some plus size girls. So I would stick to focus on your images, you best assets, your energy, get great photos that show your diversity and be realistic with yourself. You might not rock the runway each season, you might never ever be on a billboard, but modeling no matter your height or weight, or size, or color is a tough be prepared!
This agency in NYC does see plus size models.
Here is a list of some more world wide Plus Size Agencies.
Ford models also has a plus size but they do have a height requirement.
I would look into commercial print agencies that work with models of all heights. I would also look into Talent agencies, visit and get a copy of the ROSS Reports.
Make a compcard and mail it out, keep hustling!
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Models and Self Promotion Advice for Tradeshows
A girl recently contacted me about going to a tradeshow to self promote. Here is some advice I gave her:
When it comes to the tradeshow, I would only go if you have some sort of marketing tool to drop off,- you have to remember at tradeshows many of the vendors are the SALES people, not the marketing people, and the marketing people are the ones who usually decide on models, but if you go you could quickly perhaps comment on the designers booth and clothing, and samples, and then ask if you can drop your card off for any future modeling needs they might have.Alot of times, people are very busy and too busy thinking of selling the product that they do not have time for a long chat.Although you can pick up cards and keep them and then follow up with emails might be best. Or mailing them your compcard in the mail with a note saying, I saw your booth at the Chiacgo tradeshow recently, last week, ect, and I wanted to let you know that if you need a model to call me. I would love to represent your brand....or something like that.I never been to that show, but sometimes tradeshows can be a great place to mingle, but just keep in mind, most of the vendors are trying to sell, not get models, so you have to be descreet, and quick!
Maybe next time you can be on the brands brochure that they use for their booth. Or you can be on their billboard posters and apart of their photo display. Who knows! When you are starting your modeling pursuits you have to network, hustle, and not be afraid to toot your own horn!
I think going to events, and tradeshows is a good thing for models to consider. But sometimes they cost money to attend, but if the show is a good one...then it might be worth it to fork out the money and go check it out!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Modeling advice for new models who found the web
Although it seems the web is the place that most girls go when they want to be models.
I don't think anyone can make you a model besides yourself, I don't think a hit or click or comment on your modeling profile page on a modeling social site will make an agency find you or that you will be discovered. I think what it takes to be a model is to actually get off the internet.
Being a model starts with goals. And knowing what type of modeling you want to do, and can do, and seeing if they are the same thing.
I think of myself as a model that can model anything, not just shoes, and handbags, but I'd even model for tampons or advil, I think of myself as a very diverse model. And I take myself and my goals, and pursuits seriously.
I don't play with the word model for kicks. I work at it, I think of it like a marketing game, not a game for my ego. And THAT is where the internet comes into play and that is where girls go left or right and the road splits, like two open legs into the internet modeling world, and into the real modeling world.
Really modeling involves going on castings with brands and for magazines, and for ad campaigns, commercials and editorials, print work. It starts with working with people who get calls and castings and breakdowns from top brands and clients. And it starts with a lot of self ambition. Modeling to me is a self made pursuit, it is something I create for myself, and make happen.
I don't rely on an agency, or website alone to make it all come together. The web will only get you so far as a model, the real modeling takes place in casting studios, photo studios, with art directors aside, and a real purpose for today's shoot.
teen modeling advice
It is best to do some of your own research on what it means to be a model before you start thinking of being one. Because thinking of being one, calling yourself one, and actually getting modeling work can be totally different things.
Do you know what modeling is, because modeling is really about marketing, and knowing what you are good for marketing, knowing what you look is good for, knowing what you should be doing to be a model, the type of photos you need and work you need to put into it in the form of research, and submissions.
Alot of girls settle for degrading themselves and get into sketchy and bad situation because they are so desperate to be a model, but there is alot of modeling you can do wearing a dress, or sweater even, and just being you!
My advice is to read magazines like Seventeen, YM, Teen Vogue, and J14, and try to notice the ads and editorials and how the models look, the styling, the smiles, the makeup, and to replicate these images with your own shots.
A shot of you smiling will go a long way as a teen model.
Grab a handbag, grab your favorite shoes, and think of ads, think of how products are used in editorials, and do you best to create photos that are honest, and sincere to who you really are.
The natural look is in, and you don't need cakey makeup n your face to get work as a model.
If you notice ad campaigns these days, a lot of them involve girls who just have spunk, energy and a fun look. They are laughing in the shot, they are talking with their friends.
But the one thing that seperates you from them, is just that they have a modeling agent or the ambition and the photos they need to get modeling work.
If you are looking for a photographer, it is best to know ahead of time about modeling, or to contact some talent agencies or modeling agencies and ask if they can suggest a photographer. Or you know what you can look on the agency website and get inspired by the type of photos you should have that will best represent you.
It does take thinking, research, and time to get work as a model. Being a model isn't just for the tall or the supermodel, it is for the girl next door.
But think of brands you want to represent, think of what modeling really is, it is modeling brands, products, services, and telling a story with your photos. An agent wants to see that you can work with products and brands, so target your photos in that way.
So put on your favorite necklace or shoes and make the shot look like an ad.
Saturday, August 2, 2008
Testing with Photographers
Or bring something to the meeting, and discussion more than " I just need photos."
I think being a model, is like being a business and it involves being inventive. Not just being
hot, pretty, or anything like that, it involves really thinking of ways to get what you need and in a quality way. efficient way.
For Atlanta, Chicago, Miami, or cities that might not have many quality photographers who shoot with magazines and for ad campaigns then I would try to google not just photographers but also photography studio, and photography + the city, because you still want to try to test with GOOD photographers, not just any old Joe with a camera! The word photographer is now a word everyone uses, (and many are not really that good at all who hold the so-called title, so you have to weed out the crap and to do so you need to use more professional search words in your Google searches, and also if there is an Atlanta magazine, or something local, you might want to flip through it and notice who is shooting for the editorials inside, and contact them, research them, google them, and ask about testing.
Friday, August 1, 2008
Teen Modeling Advice and Tips from Isobella Jade
So you have great skin and a nice energy an smile, but modeling is more than looking nice, it is about your ambition and being realistic with yourself. If you couldn't walk the runway, or be in a billboard would you still want to model? What if you could get into shoe modeling, or represent products and not just fashion, would you still want to model? Modeling is something that people can do of all colors, height, weight and size. You can see this by looking in magazines, ( of all kinds) and commercials.
Modeling should be a hobby, like a sport, because you can go on 30 castings before you book just one! You don't want to miss out on fun you should be having right now, until you are older because models are all ages, commercial print models can model until they are 60 or older! Think about the ladies in the Advil or retirment commercials or insurance commercials and print ads. Modeling is not just Vogue or Playboy, modeling is about selling a product, brand or service, and representing it with your look.
Also I don't think you should keep modeling a secret, modeling isn't just being a pretty girl and being complimented, modeling is WORK! And you should tell your parents about your pursuits as a model, especially if you are a teen.
There are plenty of pretty girls who want to be models, but they are not because they do not understand what modeling is, and they do not know the type of photos they need and they end up making mistakes, and working with the wrong people because they are desperate to call themselves a model. You don't have to pay an agency, but you do need to get some photos taken of you and remember that before you start modeling or wanting to be one, you should look at ads and editorials in magazines and get some ideas of what a model is. Notice commercials where teens are used, focused on brands that use models of your age.
Also something you can do right now, is research commercial print modeling agencies and check out my blogs for a list of a few in the city I work with.
Or have your parents Google some agencies. The best thing to do is google, commercial print modeling agencies + your city.
Or Talent agencies + your city
Get active:
Also you can submit your photos to magaiznes like seventeen, ect. By looking in the front of the magazine and submitting your photo to the Photo editors. Or features editors. Also if you have hobbies, soccer, drawing, singing, or anything chairty wise, it would be good to include them in a letter.Try looking on ..www. and look at the contact section, there is a girl of the week submission you can make. Even bands like Rocketdog (shoes) are welcoming video submissions of people who want to represent the brand.
Saving money tip:
I don't suggest going to low quality photos, but these days digital camera are of great quality, and if you can style, and plan your own shoot, see if you can save money by having a person you know who is skilled with camera's or techie stuff and have them take some photos of you, you have to get comfortable infront of the camera. You want to review the photos after you take them, see what you did good and what looks not so good, compare the shots to ads and editorals, and try to see how you look on camera. It is good to see how you look, and how you appear on camera, so that you enhance your traits and also learn about how to pose, and look natural on camera.
The Model and Photographer Internet exchange and the sloppy mess and danger of it
Beware of the amateurs with bad intentions. A lot of social sites let those who are not serious title themselves with model and photographer, but the majority are not serious, and by serious I mean “shoot as a full time job or shoot with the intention and goals and actions of getting their work published, and working with legit brands, and magazines."
As a model you have to be more picky who you work with. Analyze the portfolio of the photographer, the credits, ask about their experience if it isn’t obvious.
Always meet the photographer beforehand, before you shoot, discuss your ideas, and bring idea to your meeting, and meet at a social place: a coffee store, a book store, somewhere where there is people. If the photographer has a studio ( a studio meaning a real studio as a working photo studio, not an apartment) feel free to bring a friend along if you feel weird about it, because you want to impress the photographer but you also need to know the photographer is worth your time, serious and not a scumbag.
The web offers an exchange of wanna be models and wanna be photographers, but as an aspiring model, you do not want to be categorized as a wanna be or amateur, you want to stay serious, ambitious and only work with the best. You are only as good as the photos and work you present in your modeling portfolio.
I do not suggest a model uses the web as a sole way to promote herself, and I only suggest her/him using the web if they are very,very, very ,extremely picky about who they work with. It would be better to stop by a photography school or call a modeling agency and ask about a photographer they can refer you to. And to only work with serious photographers who make a living doing photography.
Petite modeling source for advice and tips on modeling and modeling photos and inspiration for the petite models.