Do not put more than 4 photos on the back of your compcard. It starts to look to cluttered and not professional. Your front photo should be a nice beauty shot, smile shot or close up.
It is always BEST to order compcards in person and to go to the printing place and order with a person who can look at your image/ CD, photos on their computer and talk about your options, but if you are ordering on the internet here are some printing places to consider.
Chosing a compcard printing company comes down to price and quality. This compcard, also known as a zed card, is going to represent you to agents and clients, so be picky about the quality of the card stock and the coloring.
When ordering over the web ALWAYS see a proof in person before you approve the card.
Ask for a proof in the mail, not just an email. Colors can change from the way a photo looks on the web and how it looks in person.
You don't need to put your email or phone number on the card and it is best NOT to. You don't want to misplace your cards and then have some random person calling or emailing you. Also you want to be able to freelance with agencies and submit your cards out and try to get representation, -usually agencies will give you stickers to put on the cards when you go to castings. Or you can write the agency number on the card when you are sent to a casting. I make all my own marketing material. So remember, you should be expecting to take care of your own compcard needs and market yourself out to agencies with your mailings. It is best to get some envelopes as well and get ready to mail, mail, mail!
like the idea and the info..i need this when using plastic card printing..thanks for sharing.
Very helpful tips hope many people save themselves from sufferings after reading this....
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