In an article on Glamour.com, I mentioned how I have a gap and an overbite, and how I purposely work to make my smile come together in photos. It comes with practice to know your face, how to pose it, and to know what you look like when you do.
Here are some tips for “knowing your face” when you are infront of the camera.
I am sure you have seen a photo where the model’s face looks uncomfortable and it doesn’t matter how great the rest of her body looks, the facial expression can ruin a shot.
(also a side note: Hands can also ruin a shot. And I will be posting a blog also on posing the hands because an awkward hand can also ruin a shot.)
When in front of the mirror notice not just how your face looks at certain angles, but notice also how it internally “feels”. Not when you touch it, but how it feels internally.
I know what my expression or smile looks like without looking in the mirror because I know the “feeling” of that pose, of what my smile looks like and how I want it to look.
Can you remember how your face feels when you pose?
How does the way your face feel change when you change your expression.
The idea and goal is to know what you look like, without looking in the mirror. To know when in front of the camera, what the camera is seeing.
Knowing what you look like without a mirror can help you produce better photos. At a photo-shoot there isn’t always direction given so bluntly on how to pose your face, and you are expected to ‘give face’ without a mirror to guide you.
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