Petite models should focus on what they do have. Above is a shot of myself in Luna magzine where the photographer did a great job making me look taller than I actually am. And proportioned, remember that the way you stand can really make your short body look taller. Your torso needs to be stretched and your legs should be apart to give some air and space and length to your body. The photographer should also shoot you at a distance and in a way that allows you to not look short.
State what you want and bring ideas and samples to the table. If you are very short, you might want the photographer to focus on your other parts, ' like your hands, feet, eyes, hair, " and let the shoot be based around the features you have that stand out. Being a natural model is very popular and commercial print modeling and the print modeling world is the passage for the petite model. Focus on your images number one,-number two,-focus on your marketing and keep trying to get an agent and try to book modeling work with aspiring brands and don't be afraid to promote yourself...yourself to magazines and brands.
Isobella Jade
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