Isobella shares leg modeling experiences on Model Talk Radio today, 1:30pm EST live, and how despite her pint-size she has used her legs to get ahead as a model. She shares how to inspire your own success. Isobella is the author of "Almost 5'4""- her modeling memoir, and her graphic novel "Model Life: The Journey of a Pint-Size Fashion Warrior", both can be found on BN.com or in stores, or on Amazon. For more on Isobella visit her website: www.isobelladreams.com. Her memoir "Almost 5'4"" will be released in the UK, Australia, South Africa and Canada on Feb 4th 2010!
Catch the show live at 1:30 EST today or listen to the archive anytime.
Tune in here: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/isobellajade/2010/01/13/when-youre-a-short-model-stretch-those-legs
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