Modeling jobs where height doesn’t matter
Isobella Jade

It’s true, I am one of the tiniest working models out there, but still I have worked with great brands and magazines. When I was told I was too short to model, I put what I did have to use, and here are 5 modeling jobs where height isn’t a big thing.
You can also listen to 5 Modeling Jobs for All Sizes podcast segment on Model Talk Radio here: Modeling, believe it or not you can have a life and be a hand model, and you can make hundreds or thousands a day doing it. Forget the gloves; just take care of your assets well. Hand modeling is perfect for shorter girl who have small hands that are dainty and thin fingers and nice nail color and nail beds. Size of the nail varies, and hand models are not measured by one standard rule. Hand models are all ethnicities and their hands do not all look alike. Many products and brands from cosmetics, to dish soap use hand models. I have hand modeled for Macy’s, Bon Appétit, Women’s World Magazine and many others. How to start: Get photos of your hands, with nail polish, and without, holding products and at ease. There are modeling agencies that specialize in parts modeling; these are the agencies to target your photos and modeling comp cards to.
Favorite on the job skincare item for hands: LUSH’s Lemony Flutter cuticle cream.
Shoe Modeling, getting your foot in the door as a model can involve your foot! My first modeling job was shoe modeling and most shoe models are not tall giraffes they are shorter. A size 6 or 7 shoe is typically liked in the shoe modeling world. Similar to hand modeling you need to target parts modeling agencies that represent shoe models. Having nice feet, toenails, and pretty ankles can mean over a thousand dollars a day or shooting a shoe ad campaign. I have shoe modeled for Brown Shoe, Marshalls, Easy Spirit, Victoria’s Secret, and many others. Again you do need photos that show your “feet diversity,” so you need photos of your feet in sandals, heels, boots, sneakers, without shoes, toes painted and not.
Favorite on the job skincare item for feet: OPI, AVOJUICE lotions.
Accessories Modeling, no one ever asks how tall the jewelry model is, and many times she is not that tall. Modeling earrings, rings, and necklaces is something a girl of any height can do. These days there are more handbag designers and accessories designers than ever. From scarves to belts, to gloves to hats, models in need, and they are not just skyscraper tall and are not just on the runway. Even though I am in my 20’s I am already moisturizing my neck and chest area and shoulders and back. Your skin is an asset and can get you a modeling job, or not, so if you want to model you can start by taking care of that skin. I use Alba, Nivea and St. Ives lotions for my whole body, and face favorites: Clinique's Dramatically Different Moisturizing Gel, and Clinique’s Moisture Surge, and LUSH’s Ultralight moisturizer.
Hair modeling, all textures, styles, and colors of hair are welcome. From print campaigns to hair shows, hair modeling can give you a new look and also help to pay your rent. Also remember many hair models are modeling accessories such as curling irons, extensions, and hair dye. Next time you buy some shampoo at the drugstore check out the models on the hair color boxes,-that is the type of photo you need to focus on getting. A smile, fresh face, and hair alive and with personality.
To give your hair a boost try the V05 hot oil treatments, which I love, or John Frieda's Root Awakening conditioner.
Beauty Modeling, put your bright eyes, beautiful lips, and clear complexion to use in modeling for cosmetics. Focus on capturing these assets in your photos and make a modeling comp card. Also I suggest attending the IBS (International Beauty Show) and mingling with the brands and learning as much as you can about what is out there is the world of cosmetics. You will find there is a lot! Self promotion is key to working as a model when you are not tall, so grab your bootstraps and get your photos, comp card, and portfolio together because height is not everything in modeling if you know how to market what you do have.
Beauty Model must-haves: Fresh’s Magic Wands Mini Mascara Due, $10, Bare Escentuals bareMinerals SPF 15 powder, Revlon’s ColorStay Ultimate Liquid Lipsticks, Revlon’s Extra Curl Eyelash Curler.
More tips can be found on my radio show Model Talk: