Also on my podcast Model Talk Radio on Weds I will have a segment based on Beauty Model Advice for your compcard, photo shoots and marketing yourself as a beauty model this week. On the show I will be sharing insight on where beauty models are used and how you can get in the door with a modeling agency with beauty modeling. Using what you do have to get ahead. You don't need to dwell on your lack of height if you focus on your assets which could be your eyes, lips, skin, profile, and the natural glow in your face. :)
Also I will be sharing some of the videos I have made on beauty for AOL's as well and others I have created on beauty tips as well. (view some below)
Beauty Model tip # 1. SKIN, FOUNDATION, POWDER.

To work as a beauty model you need to know your face. Know what you will be marketing.
What are your facial assets. Do you have nice eyes, nice skin, a nice profile, nice lips, your hair (hair modeling) also notice your ears and neck for jewelry modeling which can also be considered the beauty area.
However, before you get a beauty modeling job you should know how to do your makeup, enhance your features and keep your skin clear...So to prepare a beauty model compcard, your skin, foundation and powder are # 1 to get right, before you get in front of the lens.
Above all, your skin should be your main focus when it comes to working as a beauty model. Taking care of it is major, and keeping it blemish free. Yes, even in this Photoshop age you do not want to use Photoshop as a crutch to your pimple. If you do not moisturize, tone or cleanse your skin daily you SHOULD and make it part of your daily routine.
Moisturizer is important. If you are on a budget don't worry, you don't have to go broke finding one. I have used: Aveeno, Origins, St. Ives, LUSH, Clinique dramatically difference moisturing gel, Vichy, --all which won't kill your budget and they last a long time.
In the shower for clean and cleansing: During different ties I have used Neutrogena Deep Clean, St. Ives Apricot Cleanser, LUSH rub rub rub (on my face actually)often in the shower. I like a rougher facial salt sometimes on my face and and recently started using a tiny dab of Sugar Body Scrub by C.O. Bigelow on my face and body(nice!) Again don't use too many pro, products on your face all at once. Pick a moisturizer, pick a cleanser, toner, and zit zapper! :)
((Here is an interview on my radio show that I did with the marketing director at Origins, and you might enjoy this:
Ok, back to the face, if I feel a zip coming on I try to zap it very fast, right at the start with Clean & Clear Invisible blemish treatment for at least 20 minutes if I am home or I will put it on that night, over night, and then use a cleanser when I take it off.
Putting on your Foundation or Powder, First Steps:

When creating your compcard for beauty modeling, if there is not a makeup artist you will have to do it yourself, and actually it can be very basic. Your skin should look soft and natural.
To start: It is actually best to do your makeup NOT in the bathroom. The lighting can be bad, especially when you consider what the camera lens will see. I would buy a handheld large mirror and go to a window or go outside to do your makeup. Try it, you will notice a difference, you will quickly notice how the light is difference and you can get your foundation exsact.

I like to do under my eyes and then in a circle motion put on my foundation on my cheeks, chin, forehead, and then go down my nose. I try to keep the foundation light, let it dry, and then I will add a light powder. I like i.d bareMinerals. I wear Media Beige. Also get a foundation or powder that is SPF 15 if possible.
Here is a video where I share some "putting foundation lightly" tips:
Later, when it comes to attending beauty castings and modeling jobs,- you are usually asked to come without makeup or very little on. Especially, it is best NOT to cake on the makeup for your castings, even for beauty, and I would say some mascara and "light" everything else is best. Light eyeshadow, light blush, go light not heavy or bold, for the lipstick. Get used to NOT wearing a lot of makeup and instead enhancing and highlighting your assets without heavy makeup.
Also foundation and powder tip: If you are really struggling to get the right color of foundation then go to a Sephora, or a cosmetic counter at a department store, get your color tone right. It is worth paying the bucks to get a brand that works for you, but many drugstore brands are very good as well, Revlon, Almay, even Wet n Wild. Spend time to get the right foundation for your skin color. (I test foundation on my lower chin or neck, and make sure the color matches the color of your neck, it looks bad if your neck is one color and your face is another. Not good.)
To get good beauty shots you have to take care of your assets, your skin.
Coming up next are examples of beauty shots to get you inspired. So I would start noticing beauty editorials in magazines, and also ad campaigns involving skincare, haircare, cosmetics and perfume. And I will share my favorite ingredients in beauty items.
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