If you are serious about modeling then you want the best photography you can get, you should want to work with the best agencies you can, and get the best modeling jobs you can.
How you present yourself as a model can say a lot towards where you will go and the jobs you will get...or not get.
A shorter girl, will most likely work non-exclusively with agencies and she will make her own compcards but how you present yourself on the comp card is very important. So when making a comp card ask yourself "Is this comp card marketing me towards print modeling?" "Does this comp card have a commercial marketable appeal?"
"What type of modeling jobs, clients, magazine, etc would like the girl on the comp card?"
A major question I get is "how does a person start modeling?"
The answer is simply: Get your marketing material, get your comp card, get your professional photos. Then comes a massive mailing to print agencies, talent agencies, casting directors, etc.
Don't email the agency through the website. It is more professional to mail it.
Send quality images, not just any old photo. You want to show you are professional so present that you are. That you have your stuff together, that you are ready!
It takes a lot of confidence and knowing yourself, to model.
The short-cut, the "someone else will handle it" mentality is not the way. Modeling when you are not a fashion model is more hands on, more about you, what you want, creating it, doing it, marketing it, and it is a lot of work.
Petite modeling source for advice and tips on modeling and modeling photos and inspiration for the petite models.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Sunday, August 30, 2009
If ANTM was more like Home Makeover I'd like it
I know it is one of the most popular shows out there, but if America's Next Top Model was more like Home Makeover I'd like it. 8 reasons why the show sucks, and what it needs to improve on.
The show should help the girls not just put them down.
The show should bring out the girls assets and not just pick out their flaws.
The show should include showcasing all types of modeling, commercial print, parts, not just fashion. Models are used in everything from cell phone ads, to tampon commercials, to travel ads to contact lenses, nail care, hair care, every day something you use a model modeled for.
There are not enough smiles. Most of the girls on the show look scared, nervous and like they pissed their pants.
The show has given America a top model but how come we don't hear about her or her doing anything 6 months after the show is done with? That's weird?
The show should teach the girls how to market themselves and what they do have so that when they get kicked off they have some sort of a plan. And they at least know how to go about pursuing modeling after Tyra tells them to flick off. The show should be more assisting to the girls and the fact that they have chosen them to be apart of a television show to teach them something about modeling, but yet there is no follow up, how is this girl doing, what happened to that one. It's like, we will take girls who know nothing about modeling and tease and make fun of them on aspects that actually really do not "make them a model" anyways, and then say Goodbye. Things like this can mess with the mind. I also would like to hear more of the model opinion on what Tyra is teaching them...I'd love to hear a girl say "WHY the heck did I have to hold a snake today, how does that make me a model?"
Granted certain modeling agencies are involved on the show but more than just a fashion agency should be approached to be featured as an opportunity the winner gets.
It is just reality TV, yes I know this, but it could be a show about more than limited elements of the modeling industry. Don't limit the viewer. Modeling is WAY more than fashion Tyra.
The show should help the girls not just put them down.
The show should bring out the girls assets and not just pick out their flaws.
The show should include showcasing all types of modeling, commercial print, parts, not just fashion. Models are used in everything from cell phone ads, to tampon commercials, to travel ads to contact lenses, nail care, hair care, every day something you use a model modeled for.
There are not enough smiles. Most of the girls on the show look scared, nervous and like they pissed their pants.
The show has given America a top model but how come we don't hear about her or her doing anything 6 months after the show is done with? That's weird?
The show should teach the girls how to market themselves and what they do have so that when they get kicked off they have some sort of a plan. And they at least know how to go about pursuing modeling after Tyra tells them to flick off. The show should be more assisting to the girls and the fact that they have chosen them to be apart of a television show to teach them something about modeling, but yet there is no follow up, how is this girl doing, what happened to that one. It's like, we will take girls who know nothing about modeling and tease and make fun of them on aspects that actually really do not "make them a model" anyways, and then say Goodbye. Things like this can mess with the mind. I also would like to hear more of the model opinion on what Tyra is teaching them...I'd love to hear a girl say "WHY the heck did I have to hold a snake today, how does that make me a model?"
Granted certain modeling agencies are involved on the show but more than just a fashion agency should be approached to be featured as an opportunity the winner gets.
It is just reality TV, yes I know this, but it could be a show about more than limited elements of the modeling industry. Don't limit the viewer. Modeling is WAY more than fashion Tyra.
child models and modeling agencies for babies
A girl on Facebook asked me, do you have any advice for child models? My friend has an amazingly photogenic 8month old who I think should model!
Tell yourfriend, she should mail photos of her baby to an agency that has a children's division, for kids and babies,like CESD, or FFT, which works with kids and babies, or FORD Models, and Wilhelmina, which have a kids division. The best thing to do is mail by postal mail photos of your baby. And DO NOT get scammed, never pay an agency anything before your baby gets a modeling job and then the agency gets paid a percent (usually 20%) which is already usually taken out of the check, and like any model she should make a compcard for her baby. Also I would read this article on baby modeling here:
Tell yourfriend, she should mail photos of her baby to an agency that has a children's division, for kids and babies,like CESD, or FFT, which works with kids and babies, or FORD Models, and Wilhelmina, which have a kids division. The best thing to do is mail by postal mail photos of your baby. And DO NOT get scammed, never pay an agency anything before your baby gets a modeling job and then the agency gets paid a percent (usually 20%) which is already usually taken out of the check, and like any model she should make a compcard for her baby. Also I would read this article on baby modeling here:
Saturday, August 29, 2009
language of the modeling industry- a shorter girls perspective,

You might wonder, what is a compcard? What is a model voucher, what is a portfolio, and be curious about the language of the modeling industry from a shorter girls perspective, well the next show of Model Talk is all about the basic model language.
Host Name: Isobella Jade
Show Name: Short Model Support: The Model Language
Length: 15 min
Description: Isobella shares the language of the modeling business that a shorter girl or any model needs to know to get ahead. It is not just who you know, it is what you know.
Tune in to listen live at 12pm Weds the 26th or listen anytime to the archive:
The struggles of the short model no more!

The two major concerns I get from shorter girls who want to model are:
Finding a good photographer
Finding a modeling agency that will accept them.
The perception of "what you think modeling is" can actually help you find the answers.
Is it just fashion? Is it just runway modeling?
Usually I tell the girls to think of modeling as using your personality to sell a product. Using what you have to apply it to the advertising, visual marketing world.
Many, many, many more products out are out there today, than 10 years ago. Many, Many, Many more opportunities are out there as well for a girl who want to model, because modeling can mean so many more things, modeling a handbag, modeling for a travel magazines, magazine for a hair product, modeling in a commercial for dog food!
To find a photographer I suggest checking out this link to a post on my blog based on How to Find a Professional Photographer:
Skip the internet marketing and promotion and mingling, etc, the Internet is not a place to start calling yourself a model, nor is a place to find professional photographers. (In my modeling memoir Almost 5'4" I talk all about my Internet photo mistakes.i think the book will intrigue and inspire you.) It is better to strive to work with a professional photographer, aim higher to get better photos to get the photos you need to better market yourself. Save time, energy, money and skip the scams and mistakes in the process.
To work with agencies if you are short you have to keep two things in mind:
Commercial print modeling agencies accept and work with models of all types (sometimes you can also find a talent agency but focus on that commercial print modeling agency submission by postal mail of your compcard.) Focus on working with agencies that work with models of all ages, NOT just fashion agencies. Fashion agencies will slam the door in your face typically.
A commercial print agency accepts photos by postal mail only, so no open calls. You need a modeling compcard to mail them.
When it comes to creating photos:
Smiles, energy and personality. These are three things a commercial print modeling agency wants to see.
So product photos that make you appear approachable, happy, a model who has spirit and can model anything, from a cell phone to a shoe, to a computer. Observe the ads in magazines, the lifestyle ads, that show a model "doing something" "laughing" and "using a product" and create photos similar.
You also need a nice headshot, face shot, smile headshot, you can also create a close up beauty shot that looks like a skincare ad.
There is no reason to complain that you can't model anymore. There are agencies out there, it will involve work, time, more work, and more time, but if you market yourself well with the right photos to the right agencies you can find opportunities. You might not find yourself, famous, jetset or a supermodel, but you can find modeling opportunities.
Something I tell myself daily:
"Be realistic with yourself while being as ambitious as possible"
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Modeling nude with products is parts modeling
Saturday, August 22, 2009
Commercial print modeling photos for short models

Shorter girls, and anyone curious about modeling should consider commercial print modeling. Commercial print modeling does not have an age limit and you will not be thrown out when you get to a certain age (like fashion tends to do with taller models who have expiration dates when the model is not considered "new" or "exciting" anymore.) Commercial print modeling welcomes models of all ages, shapes, sizes, and ethnicities, men and women, children, teens, all ages. If you want to start modeling and fashion is slamming the door in your face, don't worry!
You can still get great modeling work in commercial print modeling. Did you know commercial print modeling is the largest area of modeling? Yup!
Here are examples of photos you should try to create for commercial print. Energy, natural makeup, happy, not so fashion forward clothing, just you being you.

You can still wear a cute pair of jeans and hold a handbag or something, but it has to look like an ad for a happy girl, upbeat, friendly, not moody, with a confident appeal.
I love fashion but I know as a shorter model I had to think about "what does the agency want to see" " what type of products and ads could I realistically be apart of"-if I want to work with agencies, and get opportunities, to build my portfolio I had to caiter my photos towards the direction of commercial print.
I do not suggest sending any photography with heavy makeup,that are high fashion styled, or overly sexy, nor anything with bad lighting to print agencies. I would also observe the photos commercial print agency models on the agency website have. Observe ads of lifestyle products to get inspired, notice lifestyle ads to get the vibe of you are going for already in your mind ahead of time, before shooting, model and photographer should have the understanding of what the model needs to get in the door. Plan it out, have examples ready, be prepared, before you shoot.
I would look at beauty, skincare, ads for cell phones, haircare, technology, furniture, tampons! Everything commercial print targeted. That is how a short girl can start to work with agencies.
Remember make a compcard, and send your compcard in the postal mail to the commercial print agencies. Sending your compcard in the mail is the way to get a modeling agency for a short girl.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Quick we need photos of your hands: hand modeling
One of my agents says today "We need a digital photo of your hand now!"
So I used my Logitech web cam to get some natural quick shots. The logitech camera is great for quick shots. And affordable. Here are some of the images I took to send off to one of my agents.

Sometimes if you have experience as a hand model, you can booked just based on your photos, especially for last minute jobs.
So I used my Logitech web cam to get some natural quick shots. The logitech camera is great for quick shots. And affordable. Here are some of the images I took to send off to one of my agents.

Sometimes if you have experience as a hand model, you can booked just based on your photos, especially for last minute jobs.
Why do modeling agencies charge you for photos

I was recently thinking about how and why agencies charge aspiring models for photos. Is this wrong, is this ok? It is helpful? Or is it a scam?
I decided it is wrong.
I think they are charging you because they think you are unable to handle making photos. They want some easy money from knowing you don't know what you need and how to do it.
Well if you do know what you need and how to do it, you can save money and time.
If a model is ambitious, can create her own photos, and is determined to be apart of her marketing process and basically isn’t a lazy model she can skip scams, get ahead faster, and even save money. I have never been one to just sit and wait for things to happen, or believe that someone else can totally make my dreams and goals come true. Having the “want” to do something is not enough these days, you have to “want to do the work.” The work involves making your own comp card, working with professional photographers, knowing what type of photos you need and really being apart of your process of working as a model.
It is a process. It is time. It is not an overnight thing.
Recently a girl commented to me about an agency charging her for photography and to be on their website…she asked if this was a scam. I think it is.
If you can produce your own compcard and photos you can skip the scams. Also the scams will be less likely to approach you. If you come off professional, together, and capable, ready, then how can you get scammed?
I always suggest a girl manages her own photography, her own look, how she wants to be marketed, and the photos she shares, however a commercial print agency will often give girls tips, comments, advice on photography you should never be forced to use an agencies photographer. There are even warnings on legit modeling agency websites that mention this.
Remember at the early stage, you also do not need a “whole” portfolio to start modeling. You just need some good commercial print modeling shots. A nice headshot. So don’t go crazy over getting photos that won’t help you. Focus on what you need and get in and get your compcard made and get rolling!
It is a scam if an agency charges you to be on their website, it is also a scam if they force you to use their photography. An agent is a person who is suppose to “market you” and while you will give the agency your own marketing tools, provide compcards, --the agency will use what you give them if they want to work with you and at least try to use it to market you, until you can improve your photos. Even when I had a not so marketable compcard, the agency took it and did their best with it, until I had better photography and a better compcard to give them.
Short models make their compcards, here's why

A girl on Facebook left me a comment on my Wall that read: I was told by a Ford photographer recently that you shouldn’t have a comp card when trying to get an agency unless your switching from one agency to another that an agency wants nothing to do with a compcard thats not theirs? I’m confused now because of how much you talk of compcards. I am only 5'5". So trying to find a good commercial print agency to submit to.
This was my reply on my Facebook Wall:
Fashion is different than commercial print. Ford is fashion. For fashion modeling (girls 5'9" 5'10") it is a totally different world. A shorter model needs a compcard, to get in with the commercial print modeling agencies. Infact mailing the compcard to commercial print agencies is "how" you get an agency to work with you. A commercial print modeling agencies does not make it for it. You, as the model, make your compcard, mail it to agencies, and if the agency likes your look they call you. Don't email the commercial print agencies. Commercial print agencies only accept photos through postal mail the majority of the time so be prepared to make a compcard. Your compcard is your model-life line.
I recently dig a segment on my radio show Model Talk called: Short Model Support: Modeling Agency 101, tune in for tips on submitting to commercial print agencies here. I think it will help:
Also here is a post on model contracts and how getting signed and working with a fashion agency is not the end all. And for a shorter girl she can still model without being signed to an agency. She can work non-exclusive with commercial print agencies.
modeling agencies,
modeling compcards,
short models
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Short Model Support: Modeling Agencies 101

Short Model Support: Modeling Agencies 101
On this segment of Model Talk, Isobella shares insight on how a shorter girl can approach a modeling agency. Also as one of the tiniest models in NYC, she announces her self as America’s Next Top Model’s Short Model Judge for cycle 13 this fall, sharing commentary on the show this fall.
This segment was live on 8/19/09 at 11:30am, you can listen to the archive of this show and any other shows anytime here.
Does a short model get signed to a modeling agency?

A girl on Facebook recently asked me: How does someone try to become a sign model? People are telling me I need a portfolio. Isn't that something an agency provide? (Like the direction in which the agency want to market you.) I have a polaroid camera should I get someone to photograph me and just go to an open call?
I wasn't sure of her height, so assumed she was short. I told her:
Many times a shorter girl does not get signed by an agency right away, infact it might not happen all together. Or at all.
Don't worry though, getting signed is not the end-all and not having a modeling contract doesn't mean you can't model. You can model while working non-exclusively with commercial print modeling agencies. A commercial print modeling agency works non-exclusively with many models, so it is usual.
For a shorter girl, especially, it is all about you knowing how you can be an asset to an agency and targeting your photos around that. You, as the model, creates your photos which can come as a shock to many shorter girls that email me,message me, facebook, myspace, twitter, me, etc. There is real work involved for a shorter girl to work with agencies. Real work.
Commercial Print modeling should be your focus.
To work with a commercial print modeling agency you do to make your own compcard and portfolio too. An agency for commercial print modeling does not make it for you. Do don't expect this. Also you might be surprised to learn that there are no open calls either for commercial print modeling. You mail your photos by postal mail to the agency. Mailing a compcard is best.
It is how I did it. Sort of like a painter needs his paint and paint brush, you need to make your compcards and marketing tools to give to the agencies to market you with. It might sound different from what you hear in the media and on reality Tv but commercial print modeling involves these things:
1. Creating photos that have a commercial print appeal, happy, smiles, energy, think of print ads for cell phones, fast food, smiles, upbeat energy. Here is a sample of photos you need to create.
2. You need to make a compcard from the commercial print photos you make.
Here is insight on making a compcard and why you actually do it yourself and why you should:
How a compcard can help your modeling pursuits:
3. Mail the compcard to commercial print modeling agencies. Put your number on your compcard and mail 2 cards. Here is insight.
Sending your photos to agencies and how to do it:
And this is insight about why you don't really need a cover letter:
This is insight on what to put on your compcard and what not to put:
4. Next comes mailing, mailing and more mailing of your compcard to commercial print modeling agencies.
5. If the agency wants to work with you, they will call you.
Here is insight for the agency meeting, after you mail your compcard to the agency:
And this is insight on how I started modeling despite being so darn short :)
Sunday, August 16, 2009
America's Next Top Short Models have arrived

It has been the season of the short model for me since 2001.
And I hope this blog has given you insight into how a shorter girl can get ahead.
Before we know it the short girl will be getting some unique hype!
With America's Next Top Model showcasing shorter girls for cycle 13, launching September 9th,-- and as very short working model I feel inclined to share some thoughts on the show and what I plan to do about it for my readers and any shorter girl wanting to model out there:
I will be watching the show, and as perhaps the People's Judge, as the Short Model's Model, I will be sharing Short Model Support and commentary each week based on the show in a video format.
I plan for this show to be amazing for girls of all heights to watch however I have not been a die-hard viewer because I honestly do not think the show portrays the modeling industry in a realistic way. Holding a snake doesn't mean you can model or get modeling work, I also think it is sad how to the girls are not talked about or even heard of after the show. The winner gets some exposure but typically that's that, you don't hear much about them and never end up seeing them in an ads or magazines, a few have gotten places, MTV hosting, etc. But a girl has to have some marketing sense to know how to go from reality TV to reality and take the exposure she gained and turn it into something more. I wish the show had a "when you get kicked off here are some tips" element involved/shared.
I hope the show shares more about print modeling and how a shorter girl can indeed get in an agency door. Height is not everything in modeling and a shorter girl can use what she does have to get ahead. Fashion isn't going to be opening arms to all short models for the runway, but if a shorter girl markets herself well she can model products, with great brands, for ads and magazine editorials, but it does take an intense amount of work, ambition, and time invested.
Here are some websites to check out the Cycle 13 Contestants. I will have my pre-introduction video with thoughts toward the cycle 13 models up soon.
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Almost 5'4" by model Isobella Jade buzz!

Hey! We, my modeling memoir Almost 5'4" and I, got some lovin' today on this awesome Mac news website, check it out if you have time, I share insight into writing my book in the Apple store and how the store was also a part of my modeling pursuits:
I hope you enjoyed the article.
Click the cover to check out Almost 5'4" at BN.com here:

Meeting the Modeling Agency interview tips

A girl on Facebook asked me:
2morow I have an interview with a modeling agency..what should I do if they ask me to describe myself? And what should I wearing 2morow?
Here was my reply:
Agencies want to hear that you have personality and that you are easy to work with, likable, friendly, and capable of being on time, confident, and able to get the job done. Think about situations that interest you maybe by saying something like “I enjoy learning new things, or being around creative people etc,” Whatever it might be. Also modeling involves pressure and deadlines on set, I shot a shoe campaign and we had a certain amount of hours that we had to shoot a certain amount of shoes, and even me, as the model came up with a few ideas for some shots when the crew got stuck on the next shot concept. I think being a model means being creative as well if asked on the job and having an upbeat personality, "we can do this" attitude is liked.
Here is also a videos on:
Modeling Agency meeting tips:
What to Wear when meeting agency tips:
Here is a tip on amatuer modeling agency scams and things to avoid:
The type of photos you will need to work with a print agency:
Was on set all day for hand modeling
My hands got a work this week but in a good way. Sorry no post today I was on set all day hand modeling for a TV Commercial and then I have writing and editing to do for my upcoming books so I will catch up with you tomorrow.
I was cast for this job because I was petite, they were casting petite hand models.
Hand modeling, like any type of modeling is work, and it involves being creative sometimes, intense focus, and high energy and telling a story, expression an emotion with your hand, or simply handing the taller model a hat. :)
I was cast for this job because I was petite, they were casting petite hand models.
Hand modeling, like any type of modeling is work, and it involves being creative sometimes, intense focus, and high energy and telling a story, expression an emotion with your hand, or simply handing the taller model a hat. :)
Thursday, August 13, 2009
they were casting petite hand models
My hands got a work out today but in a good way. Sorry no post today I was on set all day hand modeling for a TV Commercial and then I have writing and editing to do for my upcoming books so I will catch up with you tomorrow. I might do my podcast radio show tomorrow afternoon, stay tuned!
I was cast for this job because I was petite, they were casting petite hand models.
Hand modeling, like any type of modeling is work, and it involves being creative sometimes, intense focus, and high energy and telling a story, expression an emotion with your hand, or simply handing the taller model a hat. :)
I was cast for this job because I was petite, they were casting petite hand models.
Hand modeling, like any type of modeling is work, and it involves being creative sometimes, intense focus, and high energy and telling a story, expression an emotion with your hand, or simply handing the taller model a hat. :)
Monday, August 10, 2009
Short Model Support photo inspiration video
Here I am sharing my Short Model Support photo inspiration video. Aka: Short chicks photo guide. If you want to model you need photos that are marketable. Here are some tips and photo goals to keep in mind for print modeling:
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Modeling has shown me all of NYC
Modeling has shown me all of NYC. From the Bronx to depths of Brooklyn and Queens, every part of Manhattan, I know the transit by heart cause of go-sees, castings, and bookings from Long Island City, to Williamsburg and beyond. Monday will be in Brooklyn at a massive studio based there, and sometimes the "can you get there, are you available to get to the casting, go-see, etc?" is a big part of getting the job.
Finding a photographer in the New York area
A girl recently asked me in a comment here on my blog:
I've been looking at photographers in the New York area, but the problem is that they are quite expensive and honestly, I can't afford them. So my question is this:
Can you please recommend a few photographers who are reasonably priced, and with whom a first timer can feel comfortable with during the shoot.
My reply:
The Photography an aspiring model chooses is very important. And it might be an investment because honestly with photography "you get what you pay for" usually.
If you have even $100 I think you could get a decent starter headshot. And a few commercial print shots. You mainly need a great looking face shot and full body shot and a couple other shots that “look like ads.”
Also keep in mind: A model has to make her own compcards and get her photos together. So expect an investment. Not a huge, huge investment but there will be photography and marketing material you will need to buy to start modeling. Like a painter needs his brush, you need your photography and compcards,etc.
The key to getting good photos is “knowing” what photography you need to present yourself best. Here are some posts on the photos a girl needs to start modeling and you will find that it is not a “whole” portfolio of images with 100 different looks, it is basic, simple, and the shots that will get you in the door at a print agency are about your personality, and traits beyond height. A student at SVA could shoot it for you.
So really to get the shots you need and to market yourself in a great way to agencies you DO need to know yourself. Know your assets, know what you would be good for modeling and craft your photos around these.
A photographer who does photography full time.
A photographer who knows the craft of photography, lighting,etc.
A photographer who has headshot packages and model photography packages.
Of course a photography student or a person who is studying photography would do as well for those on a budget. But if you focus on getting a good headshot and a few lifestyle commercial print friendly shots, and make a compcard it can be a good starter card to mail to agencies. Don't use the Internet to mingle with photographers and do not show off your images on the web -that is not modeling and you will not meet professionals this way. It is best to sticking to be professional. No matter your budget.
I hope this helps and the links:
Overcoming finding a photographer drama:
Preparing for a photo shoot:
Photographers to avoid:
This is a radio segment I did called 5 things to ask the photographer before you shoot here:
I've been looking at photographers in the New York area, but the problem is that they are quite expensive and honestly, I can't afford them. So my question is this:
Can you please recommend a few photographers who are reasonably priced, and with whom a first timer can feel comfortable with during the shoot.
My reply:
The Photography an aspiring model chooses is very important. And it might be an investment because honestly with photography "you get what you pay for" usually.
If you have even $100 I think you could get a decent starter headshot. And a few commercial print shots. You mainly need a great looking face shot and full body shot and a couple other shots that “look like ads.”
Also keep in mind: A model has to make her own compcards and get her photos together. So expect an investment. Not a huge, huge investment but there will be photography and marketing material you will need to buy to start modeling. Like a painter needs his brush, you need your photography and compcards,etc.
The key to getting good photos is “knowing” what photography you need to present yourself best. Here are some posts on the photos a girl needs to start modeling and you will find that it is not a “whole” portfolio of images with 100 different looks, it is basic, simple, and the shots that will get you in the door at a print agency are about your personality, and traits beyond height. A student at SVA could shoot it for you.
So really to get the shots you need and to market yourself in a great way to agencies you DO need to know yourself. Know your assets, know what you would be good for modeling and craft your photos around these.
A photographer who does photography full time.
A photographer who knows the craft of photography, lighting,etc.
A photographer who has headshot packages and model photography packages.
Of course a photography student or a person who is studying photography would do as well for those on a budget. But if you focus on getting a good headshot and a few lifestyle commercial print friendly shots, and make a compcard it can be a good starter card to mail to agencies. Don't use the Internet to mingle with photographers and do not show off your images on the web -that is not modeling and you will not meet professionals this way. It is best to sticking to be professional. No matter your budget.
I hope this helps and the links:
Overcoming finding a photographer drama:
Preparing for a photo shoot:
Photographers to avoid:
This is a radio segment I did called 5 things to ask the photographer before you shoot here:
Friday, August 7, 2009
Isobella Jade on modeling as a shorter model
"I looked at the modeling business as a business to be a part of and I had to be prepared for the work to fit into the business, the behind the scenes, hands-on-do-it-yourself creation of making myself a model. Finding ways I fit into the biz. It is true work, research, time, energy. It does take a marketing perspective to get the right photos, send them to the right agencies and get ahead."
-Isobella Jade on modeling
-Isobella Jade on modeling
Wednesday, August 5, 2009
Short Model Support radio segment

This segment of Model Talk will involve answering YOUR questions.
Show Name: Short Model Support: Not being so short-sighted
From her Facebook, Myspace, Youtube inboxes,and blogs Isobella shares her answers from 6 recent questions she received from aspiring models on how to overcome the odds as a shorter girl. Visit Isobella's website www.isobelladreams.com to read about her pursuits as a petite model and check out her memoir Almost 5'4".
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Commercial print modeling photos- The Walk
Here are some shots of myself, showing you a casual walk and smile for that girl on the girl happy go-lucky-energy in a photo which is good for print modeling comp cards. It is a simple shot easy to do and allows new models to "just be themselves" in the shot. Like you are really just walking down the street greeting a friend.
I wanted to show how both black and white and color can look, you pick what you like best.

I hope that inspires you to create commercial print modeling photos for your comp card and modeling agency submissions.
I wanted to show how both black and white and color can look, you pick what you like best.

I hope that inspires you to create commercial print modeling photos for your comp card and modeling agency submissions.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Finding a professional photographer 101
A girl asked me recently: How do you find a professional photographer?
Sometimes you have to actually "work" and put "effort" into finding a good photographer.
In this digital and Internet-age it is harder and harder for a girl to find professionalism and the last place she should look is "the Internet". Here are my thoughts on the struggles of finding a "professional photographer."
You want to work with someone with a photography business, not just a camera. To get something for "free" is another story and many girls do, and make photography mistakes by not working with a professional and doing these sketchy TFP things, and it is harder when you only use the web to find photographers on social sites. So skip that. You will typically only find amateur photographers instead.
It is better to approach a headshot photographer, a photographer that has a full time photography business and these days even the yellow pages are more legit than the crap on the Internet. Or you could call the print agency you want to work with an ask if they can refer to a photographer. Or you could call an acting school as well. The first shots an aspiring model needs for print modeling is:
1. headshot
2. a full body shot that shows your personality/smile, like an ad for a cell phone co.
A professional photographer typically will also have “photo packages” listed on their website as well.
It is ok to invest in yourself and pursuits. When you are looking for that "free ride" it can lead to major mistakes, letdowns and bad photos.
No one said finding quality was easy or cheap. Finding quality and professional’s takes time, and work, and the easy route, the short-cut can lead to a mess in amateur-land. In modeling your photos are your life line so aim high. Don’t settle just for “any old amateur with a camera” you will mostly get crap from it. I have had my bad experiences and I am sharing the ‘safer and quickest route” because you could spend “years” dealing with amateurs, and bad photography. These days in a world where so many girls want to be models you have to strive to create the best photography you can, and you have to cerate shots that WILL help you. Not just make you “another chick with her photo taken.”
A cheaper option: You could also go to a photography school or college and strive to work with students as well. A person who “knows the craft of photography” and “knows lighting” is best.
An actor leans about the important of a headshot in acting school; a girl who wants to model on the other hand tends to go to the Internet sign up for a model-site to show off her random pics but then never finds quality because all there is to mingle with is amateurs on the web. It is best to focus on getting in front of a professional photographer’s lens. Shooting “just for the heck of it, or for the “amateur” photographers pleasure is a waste of time as well. Many girls fall trap to these unfortunately.
The higher you aim to work with someone who “knows the craft of photography” the better. You wouldn’t want any random person giving you a gynecologist exam, so have the same standards with the photography you do and the photographer you choose. I am serious.
Having high standards is also a big part. If you just want photos you might end up getting crap so instead want "great photos" and aim to work with a professional photographer. Someone who knows how to work the camera, not just take a picture.
I hope this helps.
Sometimes you have to actually "work" and put "effort" into finding a good photographer.
In this digital and Internet-age it is harder and harder for a girl to find professionalism and the last place she should look is "the Internet". Here are my thoughts on the struggles of finding a "professional photographer."
You want to work with someone with a photography business, not just a camera. To get something for "free" is another story and many girls do, and make photography mistakes by not working with a professional and doing these sketchy TFP things, and it is harder when you only use the web to find photographers on social sites. So skip that. You will typically only find amateur photographers instead.
It is better to approach a headshot photographer, a photographer that has a full time photography business and these days even the yellow pages are more legit than the crap on the Internet. Or you could call the print agency you want to work with an ask if they can refer to a photographer. Or you could call an acting school as well. The first shots an aspiring model needs for print modeling is:
1. headshot
2. a full body shot that shows your personality/smile, like an ad for a cell phone co.
A professional photographer typically will also have “photo packages” listed on their website as well.
It is ok to invest in yourself and pursuits. When you are looking for that "free ride" it can lead to major mistakes, letdowns and bad photos.
No one said finding quality was easy or cheap. Finding quality and professional’s takes time, and work, and the easy route, the short-cut can lead to a mess in amateur-land. In modeling your photos are your life line so aim high. Don’t settle just for “any old amateur with a camera” you will mostly get crap from it. I have had my bad experiences and I am sharing the ‘safer and quickest route” because you could spend “years” dealing with amateurs, and bad photography. These days in a world where so many girls want to be models you have to strive to create the best photography you can, and you have to cerate shots that WILL help you. Not just make you “another chick with her photo taken.”
A cheaper option: You could also go to a photography school or college and strive to work with students as well. A person who “knows the craft of photography” and “knows lighting” is best.
An actor leans about the important of a headshot in acting school; a girl who wants to model on the other hand tends to go to the Internet sign up for a model-site to show off her random pics but then never finds quality because all there is to mingle with is amateurs on the web. It is best to focus on getting in front of a professional photographer’s lens. Shooting “just for the heck of it, or for the “amateur” photographers pleasure is a waste of time as well. Many girls fall trap to these unfortunately.
The higher you aim to work with someone who “knows the craft of photography” the better. You wouldn’t want any random person giving you a gynecologist exam, so have the same standards with the photography you do and the photographer you choose. I am serious.
Having high standards is also a big part. If you just want photos you might end up getting crap so instead want "great photos" and aim to work with a professional photographer. Someone who knows how to work the camera, not just take a picture.
I hope this helps.
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