A girl on Twitter asked me: If I was wanting to model handbags for example, do I approach random stores, agencies or the actual brand first?
My thoughts:
One of my best friends is a handbag designer. I met her at a young designer showcase event in NYC. I have modeled for her line, appeared in magazines modeling and together we have given her handbags exposure to the media and at the start I gained not only modeling experience that lead to bigger things but a great friend.
I think it is best to first start with getting some shots of yourself modeling handbags, even if they are your own handbags. Showing you "can" model handbags. Practice posing in front of the mirror, get a handle on how to work with a product first. Look at ads that involve handbags as well. (also showing a smile in a shot for a handbag can be good as well, because handbags and accessories are fashion items but often when shows in ads are not shown only with a high fashion forward vibe, so create photos that also involve smiles holding the bag, walking with it, etc-Also hand models have modeled handbags as well. So also consider getting some shots of just your hands holding the bag.)
Then I would get a comp card made. (www.compcard.com)
You always want to be as professional as possible, always, when presenting yourself. So it is more professional to have a comp card. The reason is that when you approach an agency, a small company, or smaller stores you want to be able to "show" you know how to model something, aka, in regards to your question: the handbags, accessories, etc.
I do believe an aspiring model could and should strive to work with aspiring brands while trying to work with agencies as well. However, when it comes to approaching stores and brands, and designers, I would NOT walk into a national chain or brand that is known throughout the world, instead I would start with local brands, aspiring brands, aspiring designers, fashion students, people who are striving to also promote their goods (products, brands), they will be more likely to take your comp card, photos, and work with you.
Sometimes having some experience modeling in a product catalog or online catalog for a product (handbags, accessories, jewelry) can help you when it comes to working with an agency. Showing you have some experience can lead to an agency having more interest in working with you. I had tear sheets in magazines I gained myself, and experience working with aspiring brands, designers, I approached, and then presented these experiences/images/on my comp card to prove I "could" model. Having some experience helped me get in the door at some agencies I have worked with over the years. So experience can help.
I would stop by a tradeshow, a craft fair, a local fashion show, a local college, I would try to meet aspiring designers, stop by a local boutique who might need a model, and ask "who handles the marketing for your company? And ask if you can drop off your comp card? Or ask how you can share some images with the person who handles the marketing, because you love their bags and would love to model them? Sure, later, you may not get paid a TON of money for it, or anything even, but it is the experience that will lead to bigger thins.
It is always worth trying, but it is helpful to try in a professional manner.
Also, remember, modeling is a self-serving business for a shorter girl, it is all about what you put in, if you expect it is be easy it sure won't be!
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